
I'm going to be a freshmen look below V?

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Ok, so I'm going to be a freshman come September 3rd. I'm really really nervous about everything and i don't know what to expect. My brother just graduated from the same school and he was really popular like everyone knew him kind of. And, I'm nervous that I'm going to have to live up to his name. I already know some kids, but I'm still really nervous. Will having a popular brother who went there help me out a little bit and what should i expect the first day?!?!




  1. popular brother = no ones gonna mess with you ahaha.

    im gonna be a freshie too, and i have no idea what to expect but i dont mind :)

  2. teacher will be like oh i kno ur brother and u can say oh yah hes cool ... w/e. just be yourself and u can always ask ur bro for advice. u dont havta live up to him. live up to yourself. u dont wanna b just like him . u want ppl to think ur another cool sibling in ur family. be urself, im sure u will take after ur bro.

  3. Having a popular brother could help and it could make it harder.

    People could think ohh thats cool hes your brother

    or theu could think why arent you as cool as him.

    my friend had a brother who was a really bad kid

    so none of her teachers liked her because most of them knew him.

    Im going into high school too and im really nervous.

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