
I'm going to be a sophmore in high school and im homeschooled

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I was wondering if anyone knew of a really good english curriculum I could use that taught how to write good papers and was just a really well rounded curriculum. Thanks!




  1. i really can't recommend one. since, english is my second langauge, perhaps, i could give some tips. read good english books like classics. and write essays or compositions at least 500 words  a day. ^_^

  2. Excellence in Writing Continuation Course A or B would be perfect for teaching you how to write!

    We have used their materials for 4+ years and both my sons are confident writers.

    It's a little bit pricey but I've been able to resell it on Ebay at the end of the school year.

    Best of Luck to You!


  3. For high school I read alot and wrote even more.  I sort of combined english and history into one subject.  On week I would research an event/person in history and write a paper about my findings, another week I would read a classic and then write a review over it.  Since I didn't use a set curriculum I can't recommend one to you.  Sorry!

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