
I'm going to be a teacher and?

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I asked this earlier but wanna add details. I'm going to be a teacher. Math, BTW. Sometimes teachers get involved in things that aren't their field, for example, a history teacher doing theater classes. If I talked to the schoolboard and gave a h**l of a presentation, would they let me teach karate? I have PLENTY of qualifications. i started when I was 13. I tested for black belt at 18. I'm 24 and will test for 2nd degree black in a couple of years. I'll teach basics, kata, self-defense and kumite. I'll also teach the history of our style. In my 11 years of karate, I've seen 5 knockouts, 12 bloody noses, 7 or 8 broken fingers, a broken nose or 2, and plenty of bruises, which really isn't that bad. Since schools let kids play football, I believe karate should be offered as a class. do you think the school would allow this to be offered?




  1. I HIGHLY doubt they would add it as an actual class, but there is a high possibility that you could create a club or another sport out of it. But unless you get your whole district involved, there won't be any "matches" or face-offs or whatever you call them in karate. Also, the success of it depends on how many kids are actually interested (remember it highly depends on which season you put it might be likely to chose another sport over karate)

    Also, you should epxlain the difference between karate and tae kwon doe

  2. It's doubtful that you could offer it as a class, however the school might be interested in an after school club or activity.  At my old school there were clubs in everything from philosophy to knitting and I am sure a karate club would be a hit.

  3. i  also love to be a teacher lol!

  4. I think you will need to go higher up than just your school.  Policy decisions about curriculum choices are usually done at the Board Level or by the Superintendants office.  your credentials sound pretty impressive but remember that most people have no idea what real martial arts are about so you need to be able to talk about the philosophy behind the discipline in lay persons terms.

  5. I doubt they'd let you.  The biggest reason being is that school districts tend to look at their own liability.  In other words, how could opening a karate class cause them to be liable in the court of law?  I'm sure this is what they'd be thinking if you proposed this to them.

    Hmmmm... Let's say a kid who takes this class ends up getting into a fight with another student.  And the kid who took the karate class seriously injured the other student.  The parents of the injured child could take the school district to court and claim that by teaching the other kid karate, we taught him how to be a more dangerous fighter.  If this was taken to court, the school district may have to pay out in a lawsuit.  The school district would probably (unfortunately) reject your class based on liability issues.  

    Sorry man.  But you can always teach a class at your local dojo or YMCA.

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