
I'm going to be doing some volenteer wor at the Zoo. What should I requst to do'?

by Guest33478  |  earlier

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I'm going to be doing some volenteer wor at the Zoo. What should I requst to do'?




  1. First of all, the zoo might have very specific things for you to do.   You may not get a choice or be able to request something specific.  If you do get to request something, what would you like to do?  Is there a particular animal you'd like to work with?  Are you willing to clean up after the animals or feed them?  Or do you know a lot about animals and the zoo and are willing to be a guide or someone who answers questions and shows the animals to people? Are you comfortable working with children so that you could lead groups around the zoo?

  2. Hi.. Nice of you to volunteer your time, but I would think that you have to more or less do what they ASK YOU to do, and not vice versa..

    But whatever you do, be nice to all the animals... they need us.. Just be careful if you're around the bigger "guys"...

    Good luck..


    Rachelle In High Heels

  3. I recommend that you express a willingness to do whatever is asked of you.  That's not only the best way to support the zoo, but if you are cheerful & responsible, the fastest path to getting to do the jobs that you really want.  You have a wonderful opportunity to broaden your horizons & to make a difference in your community.  How great is that!

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