
I'm going to be driving with my Grandma in the car for eight hours any fun things to do???

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My Grandma is driving and I want some fun things to pass away time. Any ideas???? Please help!!!!!!!!!




  1. bring a book and music so you can tune stuff off and still be doing something

  2. ipod, sleep, ntendo, book, dvd player, portable board games

  3. Try getting some books on tape.  Something both of you will enjoy.

  4. I always go on long trips by car and the best thing  is listening to music, few books and imagination.  sure u will stop a few times so having a nice meal will make time go by but in the car just listen to music or even better talk to your grandma, i know it souns a bit stupid but she iwll surprice u with new subjects, well sometimes lol

  5. Ask your Grandma everything she remembers about *her* Grandma! Discover your family history.

  6. Bring your ipod and tune everything else out.

  7. Ask her about her life, and find out her stories.  It sounds lame but you will not regret it someday when she's gone.

  8. Read a book.

    Make fun CD's

    umm, get portable games? I have electronic yahtzee & connect four, and they're only a few dollars each


    If you have a cell phone, text a friend.

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