
I'm going to be going on My first Roller Coaster...?

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I'm going on My first Real Roller Coaster next Weekend at Six Flags Great Adventure.. Which of these is a good first coaster?




I'm really nervous! :D




  1. all of them are different, ride them all, ride the one you like more than once. lather, rinse, repeat any time you are able.

  2. Personally, I tried the one that looked the biggest, most dangerous etc.  because if you do that one and you survived, then you should be able to do them all.

  3. Superman is the best for someone who is nervous because it jumps you right in and makes the other coasters easier and more enjoyable.

  4. medusa. i hear that it's one of the smoothest roller coasters there. i get really sick from roller coasters, so i dont know from experience.

    NOTE: Kong usually breaks down alot, so be careful on that one.

    u know whats really ironic? the only coaster i can go on without getting completely sick is Roar, the wooden coaster which is supposed to be the freakiest to go on. =/

  5. wow ignore the person above me...

    I just went to six flags for the first time too :D a couple days ago.

    It was a BLAST! I rode (almost) every single ride. (some had super huge lines)

    Make sure to get some flash passes when you go, that saves you from the hassle of standing in line for an hour. My first ride was superman, I was afraid at first because I have never been on a "big" rollercoaster, but after the first drop my hands were in the air and I was having fun for the rest of the day.

    Have fun :D

  6. Medusa.  You can see the monkeys from the top!

  7. Nitro starts out extremely fast dont do that haha.

    uhmm superman has u hanging like superman dont do that.

    ur best bet is medusa

  8. the best in my opinion is nitro because i've never ridden the medusa and the superman just goes up and down

  9. If it's your first roller coaster you don't want to go on one with a lot of loops and  dips. Don't eat anything before hand JUST IN CASE.  Go on the easiest one because you don't know how your going to feel during or after the ride.

  10. I've never been to Six Flags so I'm not going to be much help in the choosing.. but I have been to Cedar Point.. and it's awesome. Don't be nervous!! You will have so much fun by the time the day is over, you won't want to leave (:

  11. Any of them, just remember this: it'll be over before you know it, so don't worry.

  12. I've never been there, but I hear the Superman is awesome, try that one! Have a great time, and remember, if you get scared, just close your eyes.

  13. Oh god. Okay first of all, DEFINATLY NOT super man for your first coaster hun. That's crazy talk. You should try the Batman. It's such a fun, safe one. Or do the Mind Eraser. I know, just the name sounds horrible but it's such a fun roaller coaster. When I first looked at it i was terrified but when it was over I wanted to go back on. (I went yesterday :D) Good Luck!  


  15. GO ON MEDUSA!!!! ITS HELLA FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

  16. MEDUSA!!!!!

  17. go on the biggest one! because then the other onoes will be easy!  my first roller coaster was one at cedar point it was millenium force it was one of the biggest at the time.

  18. No, don't close your eyes!

    You will get dizzy and give yourself a headache.

    I think it's better when you keep your eyes open. So you can see what's coming and be prepared.

  19. apparently Medusa is the one to go on. But while your riding the coaster DON'T cry.

  20. all of them are great try them all.

  21. MEDUSA!!!!

  22. Nitro

  23. All of them are probably great! but don't be nervous some people also just shouldn't ride roller coaster because there have a fear that can't be talked out of but some  people have no problem. most likely people like roller coarters but not me :D

  24. NOT SUPERMAN NO! NEVER start out small and work ur way up, that's what i did and i cant get enough of rolocates, and i love every rolocoster except for superman. When i rode it, i was next to an old lady say we r gunna die. And also i think i just sat in a very bad seat cause durring the ride i was screaming (not cause it was scary) but beacuse it felt liek someone was stabbing me over and over again in the eyes. I was frozen at the end. I dont kno what happened. So dont go on superman first and i highly doubt that that will happen to you(btw sorry if i just ruinned that ride for you...)

  25. well nitro is really fast and has a huge drop...

    medusa has a ton of curves and flips...

    superman is "in-the-middle"...

    but before you go on those i think you should go on the run away train or rolling thunder, there fast and fun and will get you ready for nitro,medusa, and superman  

  26. Medusa

  27. Take some dramamine, it will stop you getting motion sickness.

  28. I think if your scared a good one to start off with is revolution. I was terrified of roller coasters, and finally my friend convinced me to go on that one, and i realized they were fun! & i went on all the roller coasters that day!

  29. i've never went on a roller coaster either but I think the superman would be a good one. I want to get on that one too but i'm still scared so i'm still deciding which one would be my first one.

  30. totally medusa but do you need to go to six flags? can you change the trip? like a more kid place. if there is a adventure land near you.  

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