
I'm going to be on a REALLY tight budget pretty soon...Any tips on how to save on...?

by Guest66570  |  earlier

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(1) food?

(2) gas?

(3) electricity?

(4) water?

(5) anything else?




  1. Plan menus using the grocer sale ads.

    Make a list and only buy what is on the list -- impulse buying doubles your grocery bill.

    Don't buy junk food or convenience foods.  You can make much better and cheaper from scratch.

    A programmable thermostat is a great enery saver.  You program to use less heat/ac when you are not home in the day and overnight while you sleep.

    Make a written budget.  It will reinforce the need to cut back.

  2. 1) Buy food that has lots of calories but are not too expensive

    2) Travel more on public transportation and only use your car when you really need to

    3) Only open light in the room you are in and open your window instead of using your air-conditioner

    4) Try not to run the tap or shower for a long time, if you shampoo your hair than turn of the water also for you body  

    5) if you want to spend on cloths than go to a place were they sell cheap things but look good  

  3. Food - Plan your meals each week day by day and only buy what you need for those meals. Look for special offers like buy one get one free so you can use one item and freeze the other for the following week. Avoid eating out (obviously!)

    Utilities - Try switching your provider. You can get discounts if you have gas and electric with one supplier. You can also get discounts for paying by direct debit and paperless billing.

    Use energy saving lightbulbs and turn appliances off (not standby) when you are not using them.

    Turn thermostat down and wear more jumpers!!

    Take showers not baths - sorry that's really obvious....

    Also sometimes I find it is useful to work out how much you are able to spend each week then taking the cash out for the whole week at once. If you can see the money you are spending it is much easier to keep track of what you have!

  4. food - go for the cheapest

    gas - try to cut down on driving, learn to take public transport.

    electricity - turn off the air-con

    water - flush when it is absolutely necessary, have half-flushes

    clothes, accessories, etc - try not to buy any, unless they are  extremely cheap and nice.

  5. FOOD get the best for the least amount of money.  Buy actual food from farmer's markets.  Cut down what you eat.  We all eat more than we need.  Look on the internet for sites that help with recipes that are economical.  Stop buying the cheap processed stuff.  It will reflect in your more expensive trips to the doctor with cold and other ailments.

    GAS combine trips. And if you can combine trips with others do it.  Make it a game.  Ride a bike to those things that are close or walk.  Stay home and do things at home for entertainment.

    ELECTRICITY you'd be surprised how much leaks out because of all tos little telltale lights on appliences including the computer.  Turn everything off and make sure there are no little ready lights.  Keep all lights off except when you are using them.  If you are running into a room to grab something quick don't turn the light on.  Try to get stuff done during the day so when it is dark you can turn on only essential lights.  Heating and cooling take lots of electricity.  Keep the air conditioner off and find other ways to cool down.  A fan can be a less costly choice.  Only cool a small area of the house and keep that room closed to the rest of the house.  Simply turn stuff off.  Use timers where possible.  Don't turn up the heat any more than necessary.  Fourty will keep your pipes from freezing, seventy is considered comfortable for people with regular clothes on.  Turn down heat if no one is home all day or for several days.  

    WATER  Don't buy bottled.  Get a picture filter and use tap.  Keep it in your fridge.  Keep showers short and if you have two little kids(2-5) of the same s*x have them bathe together.  Make sure if you maintain lawn and flower beds that you get plants that don't need water on a daily basis.  Let the lawn go dormant during the heat of summer.  Turn off timers unless needed.  

    CLOTHING Take care of what you have.  The only purchases should be the replacement kind.  Tore your jeans? Try a repair first (learn to sew) then go to get a replacement.  If you can sew make other things out of old jeans.  Its a fad that should come back.  Trade your kids outgrown clothes with other people to get stuff they can wear.  If you don't act like its a thing poor people do the kids will love it.  (My sisters and I once passed a certain baby out fit through five of our babies.  It was a record and we were so proud.  The kids had no idea.)

    Stay healthy even if you have insurance it still pays in the long run.  

    Put at least $5 in your savings every pay check no matter what.  Its ok to put in more but the fiver puts you in the habit and keeps you there.

  6. Prepare your own food for your day out with groceries from the supermarket. Don't buy sandwiches, etc pre made. You'll only pay extra for preparation by the shop.

    Make sure you don't leave your appliances and similar in standby modes instead turn the power point off when it's not being used. Don't have lights on for the sake of having them on.

    Be mindful when having a shower, don't stand there just because it's nice and warm. Do what you have to and get out :)

  7. 1) Clip coupons, buy only sale items, NEVER shop while hungry,

    2) find out where the cheapest gas is, never leave car running, try to walk more than drive

    3) unplug things while not in use. invest in solar panels

    4) Don't keep water running.

    5) Only buy needed things and try to get the best bargain possible. I save alot for health and beauty products at CVS. they have extra bucks and you can match coupons with sale items and still earn extra bucks. You need to get a CVS card first though

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