
I'm going to be running in a mini marathon (Hunts point hustle) and I'd like to know how to "pregame"......

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Pregame as in what to eat and when to eat it to get maximum efficiency out of the food, how to warm up etc.




  1. “Pre-Race” is that hour or so before a race when you get yourself ready to run.  First don’t fret that too much, if you have done your training, then the race itself is really just the culmination of that.  The cherry on top, the icing on the cake, you have built your base so go out and enjoy.

    All of us approach races slightly different; I like to get to a race about 60 minutes before hand.  This gives me time to find the start, get my bag checked and do a warm up.  Usually I jog lightly for about 5  minutes do some light stretching and then chat up the other runners.  

    As for eating, I prefer to run on an empty stomach, why carry extra weight around if you don’t have to.  Depending on the length of your race I recommend 8 – 16oz of water 1 hour before the race and at the 30-minute mark line up and go to the bathroom.  If you have to go after that its just nerves as soon as the starting gun goes off believe me you will forget all about it.

    For food if you must eat, I recommend a small carbohydrate type snack before you run.  Maybe an apple and a small piece of cheese, some folks like toast and peanut butter.  Really is your choice, if you have a good meal the night before you should have no problems.  

    If your race is going to be more then 1hour and 30 minutes, I suggest carrying a gel back with you and about the 45 minute mark consume this.  This will give you some replacement carbohydrates.  It takes about 15 minutes for this to work so you can see there is no real benefit to taking this during a race unless you are going to run longer then 1hour and 30 minutes.  

    Good luck


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