
I'm going to be the only freshman in my Band class?

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Where I go to school, high school starts from 10th grade and goes to 12th, so technically I'm still at the junior high but I'm taking a few classes at the high school. I'm really nervous because there's going to be nobody my age there, and quite frankly, I find it really hard to make friends because I don't talk as much. I need some advice on blending in more, not caring what people think of me as much, making friends with people older than me, etc. :)




  1. haha dont worry about it

    im in band too but there are people that are my age

    but the older people are really nice in my band

    like now im friends with like 10-12th graders

    and i understand wat ur saying im kinda quiet too but

    just talk and be urself introduce yourself to ur section and other sections

    if u guys get sectional time then thats when u people can really like talk with each other dont worry about making friends im sure ull make some =D

  2. I get you.

    When I was in sixth grade, ( last year) I had tons of friends in 7 and 8.

    Sooo, dont try to be cool or anything. But dont be as shy. Make direct eye contact. At all times. Yes, I know very scary, but you'll get used to them. they're just like you except they have facial hair, and larger chests! = )

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