
I'm going to buy an xbox 360. Luckily, gamestop is giving me good trade in offers. What game[s] should i buy??

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Gamestop is giving me an a lot of extra credit for my trade-ins. $20 extra for my ps2 slim and an extra 30% for my games. What game[s] should i buy for my new xbox 360???




  1. Well the games you should buy are all dependent on what your preferences are.  If you enjoy racing games then there are plenty of good titles to choose from.  Grand Turismo : Prologue being the higher end of them.  Fighting games can vary greatly, because there are classics that have been made into 360 versions and there are newer ones that push the limits of the technology.

    Soul Caliber IV is pretty deep and it looks beautiful.  It's fun and entertaining while allowing for customization that is not always present in other games.  The obvious Dead or Alive series is always a good choice because they have perfected many things that create and overall enjoyable experience.  

    If you are a shooter fan then you should definitely get Gears of War and Call of Duty 4.  Gears of War is extremely fun and still boasts one of the largest online community of players.  Call of Duty 4 is the smoothest military style shooter you can find...  It has a in-depth leveling feature that grants you newer, more efficient weapons dependent on your playing style and skill and also boasts a large online community.  The story is deep in both Gears of War and Call of Duty 4 and you will have no problem jumping in and out of them on a regular basis.

    For Role-Playing games it really depends on your dedication, because Final Fantasy Online is a massive game that even with total devotion to can yield only sub-par results until the time spent is greater than a year.  Your shorter-more reasonable term games include Elder Scrolls IV: Oblvion which is deep and intuitive, but not too overbearing.  It allows for a variety of character customization and freedom to keep you coming for more time and time again.  Mass Effect is a Shooter/RPG hybrid that I would say is unbelieveably enjoyable.  It boasts some of the best voice acting and deepest character development seen in games today.  You can choose your specialty and your personality by making decisions through everyday conversation and physical action.  Oblivion tends to get repetitive with the voice acting with some of the most important character's voices being shared among 20-30 other NPC's, but it still offers the expected enjoyment with numerous expansions.

    For action games there are too many to name, but a personal favorite of mine is Ninja Gaiden 2.  It is extremely fast-paced and will keep you on the edge of your seat the entire time.  You will also mutter words of discontent you did not even realize you knew because this game boasts an ever increasing difficulty that can leave you frustrated, but all the more exhilarated. The cinematics are jaw-dropping and the graphics are beautiful.  Extremely challenging and rewarding to play and more than worth the money.

    For a game that you jsut want to have fun with Crackdown cannot not be beaten in my opinion.  It is an over-the-top game that plays much like Grand Theft Auto on crack.  You play as a Cop that is enhanced and as you progress you increase your abilities in the things you do most often.  For example, if you use grenades alot, at first they have a small radius.  After enough usage though you will see the explosion increase in size and intensity.  The same goes for your strength and agility.  At first you can jump slightly higher than normal human beings, but given enough time you can easily leap over houses and with your increased strength you can pick up vehicles of all sizes and shapes and hurl them at gangsters and civilians alike.  It's extremely fun, and offers some of the most enjoyable achievements to work for such as juggling a car in the air with explosives for 5 seconds or more.

    The 360 offers some of the best, most diverse games that only get better with all of the expansions made available shortly after release and on a continueing basis.  You almost can't go wrong with any game you choose as long as you use your judgement.  Don't pick up Mrs. Muffets Teaparty and expect enjoyment, but pick up any other title that you have heard good thigns about and your sure to be impressed and fulfilled.

  2. yasmins right on, but here is my list

    Halo 3

    Gears of War

    Gears of War 2(Reserve it)

    Call of Duty 4

    Grand Theft Auto 4

    Burnout: Paradise

    Call of Duty 2

    Sports Games:

    PES 2008(If you like soccer)

    NCAA 09 (College Football)

    Madden 09

    Role Playing Games:

    Mass Effect(If you like Rpgs)

    Strategy Games:

    Command in Conquer 3(If you like the build a base thing)

    Red Alert 3 (Comes out in October, see up)

    Halo Wars (Comes out in 2009)

    Thats all I can think of Right now

    But get these Xbox Games too, if you want, or if you haven't already played them-:


    GTA Vice City


    Halo 2

    GTA San Andreas

    Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic (1 and 2, if you like RPGs)

  3. depends...if you like war games the buy call of duty 4, halo 3, or gears of war

    if your into the musical stuff then you have to buy guitar hero 3 or rockband (rockband is WAY more expensive (and in my opinion WAY less fun))

    if you like racing then you should get whatever the new Burnout game is...i think its like Paradise or sumthin

    like sports? cant help you...i hate sports games...hah

  4. I'd wait to buy the XBOX 360. They will have new ones coming out with Blueray compatible drives. They're supposed to be out for the holidays, so I'm thinking you may see them on store shelves by October. The current XBOX 360 drives are the HD-DVD format which is now obsolete.

  5. Madden 09, Gears of War 2, Call of Duty 5, Soul Caliber.

  6. Halo 3

    Gears Of War

    Rock Band

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