
I'm going to college soon.PLEEEEASSSEE HEEELP ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?

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My parents have always had me going to this Christian college for pretty much my whole life.Problem is,I don't want to go there.It's academics are under par.They aren't accredited.And worst of all,their rules are so strict.Bodily contact is not allowed(not even a handshake,or if a girl falls,you cant touch her to help her up.).You must have a pass to go off campus.You can be "campused" which means if you break enough of the schools ridiculous rules,you are not allowed to even speak to anyone for however long the administration deems is appropriate.There's worse,too!I don't want to go there.It's like a prison!They even have barb-wire fences!!!My parents are making me go though.They wont help pay for my education if i don't go where they want me too.Not to mention what it would do to my family.I'm already slated for my freshman year,but I'm thinking about just s******g it and transferring after my freshman year.My parents have put their foot down.They WILL NOT change their minds.No matter what.They have made it clear that they would rather me leave and cause a rift in the family,than let me go to a college that I would atleast get an accredited diploma from,much less enjoy.What do you think I should do?Please help me!!!The name of the college is Pensacola Christian College.




  1. I have many friends that have attended this college.  None of them finished.  Set aside for a second the fact that your parents want you to go there, if you are kicked out because one of their arbitrary and ridiculous rules they are out the money.  

    You can pay for college with student loans even if you do not get grants and scholarships.  You will have to pay them back when you get done, but if you play your cards right you will have a job that will make that possible.  You do not have to repay student loans as long as you are in school.  

    There are some programs a PCC that do well without accreditation, but there are other programs that will seriously hinder you in the future.  Especially if you try to transfer to another school.

    Finally, I am a seminary student at a less strict baptist seminary.  I have attended Churches that are fans of PCC.  These have been very negative environments.  I think that the kind of environment this college creates is psychologically, and spiritually damaging.  Of the people that I have talked to that have attended PCC only a handful could offer the justification that it was survivable if you want to put up with unreasonable and arbitrary rules.  These are the people that have given the most favorable responses.  

    You can survive--I guess--is considered a positive response for pensacola alumni.  

    I can tell from you current apprehensivness you will not make it through.  You are too independent.  If you go, you will be expelled for not making your bed or looking like you might be thinking about girls and then you will be in a worse position not a better one.  

    Your parents are being unreasonable.  If they can only think of one school in the whole country that they will pay for they are not considering all the options.  If they want a consevative evangelical school maybe Cornerstone University, Liberty, or Cedarville.  There are extrabiblical rules at all of these, but they are accredited and they will allow you a chance to study in an environment that has similar theolgical beliefs without the heavy handed tactics.

    In short, don't go.  You will not like it.  Your parents will not like the ultimate results, and you will have nothing to show for your trouble.

  2. As local Pensacolians, many of us refer to PCC as Pensacola Christian Cult and laugh at the whole "school". Students are required to travel in "packs", cannot date the opposite s*x, girls must wear skirts, dresses, no pants, shorts, etc. No denim on the guys, no athletic shoes. The list goes on and on. Some people love the education, others hate the discipline. Sounds like you hate it all.  GET OUT !!!  With it not being accredited, you are wasting your life.  Call your parent's bluff and just say fine, I'm dropping out of college if you won't help me change.  Furthermore, there are grants and assistance out there if your parents won't help you. Personally, the whole thing drives me nuts and I've disliked that whole school since they were only an elementary level school. My opinion...P.S. By the way, I DO love Pensacola and it's beaches though...

  3. Well as much as i think your parents are being ridiculous.. i think that kids should be able to choose wherever they want to go to school.. being the first time they get to make their own desicions. I am paying for my own college though so i know you could make is work if you wanted to stray and do your own thing... but be careful about the whole i am gonng go freshman year and then transfer cuz if the school isn't accredited then you won't be able to transfer any credits and that whole year will be wasted. Why your parents would want you to go to an unaccredited school is stupid. Good luck. :)

  4. It sounds like a prison.

    I think you should grow up and act like an adult. Your parents are not in control of your life. You are.

    And the longer you let them take control, the more they're going to expect to just have it, and the harder it will be to break away from them. If you left and it did cause problems, it would be no one's fault but your parents. If you go down the route less likely to cause trouble you're entire life, just to avoid conflict, you'll spend your entire life with other people walking over you.

    It's difficult if you're financially dependent on them, but there must be some way that you can manage financing your own way through college.

    Can't give specific advice because I don't know how all that stuff works in the US, but find someone who does know what all your options would be and find a way to do it.

    The gist of my advice: grow up and act like a man/woman, whatever (couldn't tell).

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