
I'm going to get a kitten for the first time. Help?

by  |  earlier

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I've wanted a kitten all of my life, buyt it was always the same answer from my mom: no. But now, for whatever reason, she decided to change her mind and is actually letting me get one. (: But since I've never had one, I have a few questions.

Where is the best place to get a kitten? (My mom dosen't want to spend a LOT of money on one) [ex: pet store, newspaper ad, shelter?]

When I go to school, no one's going to be in the hosue, and I hear kittens need a lot of attention. Even if s/he has a lot of toys, will this be a problem?

That's all that really worried me. If I come up with more, I'll ask.





  1. the best place to get one is wait till someone you knows cat has babies then get one because then you know its coming from a good home and sometimes they give them to you for free

    and them being home by themselves could be a problem but if you wait until next summer to get one like right when school ends then you should get one so you can spend all summer with it and by the time school rolls around it will be able to be all by itself

    thats what I did and it worked great =]

    have fun with your new kitten when you get one

  2. usually if you get them at the shelter they have all of their shots and are neutered so they are usually around $175 and if you find one in a newspaper they some times are free or are under $100 but usually those kittens haven't gotten the necessary shots or have been neutered.

    good luck and congrats!

  3. ok you can go to a shelter and adopt one for a small donation or you can advertise for one do any of your friends have female cats that are in kittens if so ask for one what breed have you in mind pedigree or moggy get a little crate and train the kitten with its litter box inside the crate with its toys and food it should be ok but for maybe the first week someone should be with it to help it settle in


  5. Get a kitten from the Humane Society!!!!

    They're all up to par on their shots, have already been spayed/neutered...

    and kittens do need a lot of attention, but when you leave the house you can leave it at home, as long as you leave it in just one room (with the litter box!) and water, maybe a little food...

    kittens are so cute and exciting, im sure youll have a great time with your new friend-to-be.

    Just make sure that the room which the kitten will be staying in is kitten proof- nothing dangerous that could get knocked down or hurt the kitten..and no open windows... just baby proof it and then it will be safe for the kitten


    good luck and congrats!

  6. you could always go to they give away free kittens or dogs sometimes they do have prices but its so worth it. kitties do need attention but not as much as dogs. i have two of them and they're both 7 weeks old. they often play with each other and i bet it will be ok when you're at work or school. cats are very independent thats why they bathe themselves and the kittie will be fine when she's alone. just make sure she has food and water and lots of toys and that she wont get out of the house

  7. I'd be happy to answer any of your questions. I've had my share of cats and kittens indeed. For your 1st question: There are plenty of free kittens, just be patient and look around for breeders or someone whose cat got out with another and they don't want the kittens. When you find a batch of kittens, make sure they look healthy. Are their eyes bright? Or are they watery and infected? Are they playful? Or do they sit in the corner and hiss?

    As for your 2nd Question:

    Kittens need alot of care and attention if you plan to raise it. But not as much if they are housetrained and older. For example, kittens love to explore and get into all sorts of things such as houseplants (which can be poisonous) or that spot right behind the couch. You always have to have an eye on them, or they might hurt themselves. And I don't think your parents would be happy if your kitten used their carpets as a littler box.

    If you have anymore questions, feel free to email me. :)

  8. If I were you I would get a kitten from your local buddy center. You can usually get a kitten for around $100. And plus if you get one from a buddy center you are giving it a second chance. I Would get it a bigger sized kennel, that way you can fit a litter box in it, toys and give her some room to run around. Also leave the radio on next to her kennel, that makes them feel safer. I would leave a lamp or some sort of light on as well for her. Put her toys, a litter box, some food and water in her kennel and she will be just fine until you get home in the afternoon. Good Luck!!

  9. shelter, humane society,, adopt a cat

  10. no just try to get one that is trained. and just let her roam. kittens are loving and playful and so cute :) just adopt one from a local shelter. make sure it has it's proper shots and etc. give lots of love. petsmart too has cute ones :) good luck!

  11. get a cat or kitten from a shelter.

    you going to school will not be a problem

  12. I would look for a kitten that is a little older, like a couple of months old to a year. They need slightly less attention and are fully on wet and dry food, so they won't need someone 24/7.

    You can get free-not to expensive from shelters, rescue groups and free kitten ads. My local shelter charges $40, and that includes the spay/neuter and first shots.

    Most of your expenses will be in the toy department. Since you will be gone a lot, I really recommend a cat tree. You want something that the kitten can climb and play on, with out ruining your curtains, bedding and everything else. FYI, cats do chew on things, like cords, shoes, snags in the blanket. SO, if you don't want the cat to get to it, put it away.

    You can feed a kitten on straight dry food, but they often like a touch of wet. Keep at least 2 litter boxes in the house, and use simple clay litter, like tiddy cats, fresh step or your local stores brands work too! I switched from tiddy cats to "pet pride" the Ralphs home brand, and it works fine for my two cats. When you get toys I recommend something on a stick, like a feather toy or fish, some simple mice (get a value pack) of the non-catnip variety and FEATHER BALLS! Feather balls and mice are the best toys ever according to my cat, who picks them up and carries them off.

    I also recommend that you get a strong looking cat scoop. The ones that come in the starter kits for cat boxes are really flimsy. Also, get a shield for your box. You will want it. Beyond that its all about love for the kitty. Remember to get a cat carrier before you get the kitty, so you can take it home. Besides, the shelters think you will be a better parent to the kitties if you bring your own carrier.

    Good luck!!

  13. the shelter is good, but if you want non expensive kittens look in the paper for Free Kittens adds. then you'll be saving the kitten from ever entering the shelter... the kitty should be fine if you play with it alot when  you are home! good luck!

  14. The shelters are OVERFLOWING with kittens right now! Wow your mom has really good timing!! Anyways the SPCA in my town has 150 kittens! (I know it's really sad :(:(:(.) Anyways google  'name of your towns/citys SPCA' and then find the location. it's on all their websites. Good luck!! Also at this tijme of year I suggest you go in because it's impossible to find cats on the webstes. Also alot of the cats don't have pictures and you won't know what their personality is. Hope this helps! :):)

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