
I'm going to get contacts i have a few questions for people who wear contacts help me please!

by  |  earlier

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Yesterday i went in for a contact exam/fitting. They told me medicaid would cover the exam but not the contacts itself, I understood that. When it was time for me to pay for the contact fitting/exam( i think they're kind of the same thing. They charged me for the ''Office Visit'' and the fitting. I didn't understand what she was saying she was bringing up something about yesterday (cuz i told them i went to have an eye check up/exam but i didnt tell them it was for my glasses, did they charge me for that or what the h**l is an office visit!!!??? She said that it would also cover the classes that will teach me how to put my contacts on and it would also cover my follow up. So do i have to pay for the contacts when i get them, They said they would let me wear contacts for a week and see how i do with them. My question is what is an office visit, what is the follow up like, Did i pay for the contacts exam even though they told me medicaid would cover it? and do i have to pay for the contacts, it was 30$ for the fitting and 30$ for the ''Office Visit'' help!




  1. Your office visit and fitting and followup are all included in the price. I dont know if Medicaid pays for contact lense exams. You need to call the place and ask them.

    The follow up is just to make sure you can see 20/20 or close with those contacts, that they arent sliding around your eye, no irritation etc.

    You will have to pay for your contacts. NOT the ones they put in your eyes yesterday. Those are samples.

    When they give you your prescription for lenses, they will try to sell you the contacts there. I dont know where you went, but I bet they will try to sell you lenses for about $30 a box.  Go to Sams Club or Walmart! They are only about $12 - $15 a  box. ASK for your prescription! It is illegal for them to withhold it from you.

  2. in my personal situation, my insurance covered the exam. i had to pay for the office visit and fitting, and i got charged extra because at the time i was young and i cried for like an hour because i couldn't take them out.

    the trail pair of contacts was free, and so were the accessories. but after that point, i had to pay... well actually my parents pay, for the actual contacts.

    i never had to take any 'contact classes' i don't know what that's all about

    and the follow up/office visit is just them making sure that the contacts havent given you an infection and that you like them and are comfortable.

    hope this helps!

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