
I'm going to give up drinking soda...who is with me?

by  |  earlier

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I don't drink it often, but when I do, I tend to eat crappier than normal. Not sure why. So my rule is not to drink any soda whatsoever. the only bad drinks I'll have occasionally are 100% juice drinks, Starbucks green tea frap, and alcohol. But drink mostly tea and water.




  1. yeah me too , soda is banned at our house. I have been soda free for like a year or so :)

  2. Dude, that Starbucks junk is worse.  I've tried a million times but just can't kick the Diet Coke habit.  It's my only vice, so I figure, you only live once.

  3. I'm in!

  4. i hate soder.

  5. i'm one step ahead of you, so yeah, i'm with ya! i just got sick of the syrupy sweetness. i drink about 2 cups of coffee a week (yes per week, not day), natural juice (about one glass a day), lots of water and club soda with fresh lime (super refreshing). i buy a six pack of hansens natural soda about every two weeks! this has been going on for about 3 months. in that time i've had maybe 3 or 4 regular sodas.

  6. Soda was not allowed in my house when I was a kid and I never really liked it much.  I prefer Tea,  coffee, and water over anything, except wine!  So I'm in!

  7. its sounds great and I wish u the nest but me loves me soda...not giving up..noooooo

  8. I will... But for how long?

  9. i did that but not intentionally

    there's nothing i love more than ice cold water

  10. Me too!

    It's win-win

    Skip the regular soda, cut the calories

    Skip the diet soda, cut the fake (and carcinogenic) sugars!

  11. Good for you! Tea has anti-oxidants, but try to include fruit juices and smoothies as well. Say like a banana + pineapple smoothie for instant energy.

  12. ive been carbonated beverage free for over a year.. you made a good decision!!

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