
I'm going to guanajuato, mexico. can i take my 2 month old.?

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i'm going to guanajuato mexico and i want to take my 2 month old. the weather over there is great its always 70 degrees over there. and i will be taking him purified water so i think its safe. can i get some opinions




  1. No problem.

  2. Taking the baby is fine, but if the baby's father is not going you must have a notarized letter from the baby's father saying he's giving you permission to take the baby into Mexico.

  3. I took my 2 month old to Zacatecas (he actually turned 3 months while there).  He was fine.  He did not get sick or feel any of the the travel discomforts that we as adults feel. My little one was breast fed, so it was I who had to watch what I ate.  If your baby is formula fed and you are taking water... then there is no problem.  I believe the only thing I did do was take him to see his Doctor about a week before the trip... just to make sure his shots were up to date and stuff.  

    Everything is  sold in Mexico, so if you do run out of supplies and stuff... you can purchase it over there.

    Oh, don't forget the passport!

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