
I'm going to jamaica?

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but i dont want to go... i go there all the time but i developed a phobia while staying there

its called Batrachophobia [scared of reptiles] but i'm SERIOUSLY[!] scared of newts. it's a problem .. i can't even look at a picture of one with out crying and hyperventalating. idk what to do because i HAVE TO GO and they are all over my gradmas neigborhood.... all over jamaica in general.

it's gonna be a serious problem. wow pointless story cause all i wanted to ask was.. can people get over phobias?




  1. I'm pretty sure with therapy and help, yes. I'm sure its possible,

    but not in a short amount of time.  Talk to your might have to see a shrink.  Good luck!

  2. Of course people get over phobias. I have a TERRIBLE (don't laugh) fear of moths. I've started going to therapy and everything because they're freaking EVERYWHERE! I scream every time I see one.

    But the point of me going to therapy is not to get rid of my fear, but to "deal with it in a better way."

    That, or go on Maury and get hypnotized into being fearless of newts.

  3. i understand how you feel most people can get over there phobias. i had phobia for repitiles and i got over it

  4. go to a hypnotist : )

  5. just try to take the possitive part if u have to do it then just do it... the place that i live is a huge phobia to me but i have to so am taking it

  6. Yes a person can get over a phobia but the best way to get over something you fear is by doing it.Just do it.

    So you have been there several times,well nothing bad has happened to you yet,right,well the more you go,the more comfortable you will become with going there.

  7. just dont go
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