I don't think I would resort to that but I truely need some help and guidance in where my life is going. I am 18 years old and have almost no life. I had two previous girls in my life but I screwed them up before they even got started. So to this day, I have never kissed a girl. I don't think I am ugly at all, I just have a problem. I hear that a negative attitude is contagious as well as a positive attitude and my best friend hates his life currently and always talks about it and I think I caught it from him.
I have tried to meet girls on myspace, facebook, and even a free site called "plentyoffish.com" and got a psycho chick out of it who I never even met. So there has been no luck in doing in on the internet.
I am currently looking for my first job since I'm already done college. i went to an all male high school (big mistake) and I went to a 9 month Tech School. I do have a little bit of a life, most of it is xbox live and the computer (I help run a gaming website.)
6'5, slim, don't think I'm ugly. I have confidence in myself but I'm trying to unleash it and have the fun that I never got to have before. since I will be getting a job this month and a car just weeks after getting the job....I think what I need is to meet some girls to help me out. Any suggestions cause I really hate doing that c**p on over the internet cause they have like a 99% chance of not working out and create problems. So anyone have suggestions?
Thanks alot.