
I'm going to live with my husband stationed over seas for three years. Does the military pay for my relocation

by Guest56327  |  earlier

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I'm going to live with my husband stationed over seas for three years. Does the military pay for my relocation




  1. yes the military will pay for it. Thinking about it now, military wives really do have it good.

    Calm down, I was just kidding

  2. You will not pay anything if the housing is shouldered by the Armed Forces as allowed by procedures.  Coordinate with the personnel officer of the unit of your husband.

  3. Yes they pay for it all.

  4. It can depend on a few factors, normally 3 years OCONUS orders means that they are accompanied, dependents are allowed to go with the AD member.  But before you go you must pass an Overseas Medical & Dental screening to get the authorization and have the military pay for it.  Have you done that yet?  If yes and passed you now have Command Sponsorship so the military will pay for the move.    You need to have the Command Sponsorship in order to qualify for housing or OHA and use the base facilities.  

    BUT if he is already at the location and then got married to you and now has new orders for the same place, then NO the military will not pay for you to move there at all.  you will be responsible for your belongings (HHG) and your plane ticket yourself.  

  5. they will give you a plane ticket and move your household items...

  6. It depends.  Are you on his orders?  Where is he going?  In general, yes.  However you have to have orders.  If not, you're staying put.

  7. Yup im over seas now with my husband hes unit will pay for everything

  8. It depends.

    If the area allows families (ie is an accompanied area) the answer is yes. If unaccompanied, such as parts of Korea, the answer is no.

    Assuming that your husband's location is "accompanied" and prior to moving, you should ensure that he completes all required paperwork for command sponsorship. Should you move before this is accomplished, you may not be reembursed for your moving expenses.

    Your husband's unit personnel office can assist with the details.

  9. yes

  10. Yes if you are command sponsored (on his orders)

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