
I'm going to london this august...?

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and i would like to know which are the best shows that are showing in the west end...have you watched any?





  1. I've seen lots of shows in the West End.  In my opinion the best shows are:  We Will Rock You, Dirty Dancing, Joseph

  2. Oh goodness!  Most of the shows on in the West End are just fabulous, it will be hard for you to go wrong.  It definitely depends on what typr of show you're into.  Comedy? Drama? Play? Musical?  I'm also wondering where you are from, because if you are an American who has traveled to or will travel to New York City you may want to stay away from musicals and just see proper non-musical shows in London.  Many a theatre critic agrees that New York is the place for musicals and London the place for Plays.  However, I am not at all belittling London musicals since I have seen many on the West End and loved them all.  That being said, musicals that I have seen in both cities have definitely always had a better cast in NYC.  But if you don't go to NYC you won't even notice the difference.

    That being said, The Woman in Black is my favorite drama play currently on the West End.  It's a suspense/thriller type show and is positively brilliant.  I never thought a play could keep me on the edge of my seat until I saw The Woman in Black.

    If you prefer a musical the London casts of Les Miserables and The Phantom of the Opera are always good.  Lion King is great with amazing costumes, but definitely much better in NYC.  

    When it comes to finding your tickets the best website for finding package theatre ticket and hotel deals is They also offer packages with restaurants if you are interested. I

    Once you get to London you can visit the TKTS booth in Leicester Square for discounted tickets to that night's shows. This is really only a good idea if you don't have a preference what show you see since the tickets sold by TKTS are for shows with seats left for that night's performance and they do not offer tickets to new shows. The booth is open Monday - Saturday 10:00-19:00 and Sunday - 12 noon to 15.00. For the best chance of getting tickets to a good show, get to the booth a little bit before they open. TKTS is completely respectable and your tickets will be legitimate. If you buy discount tickets from one of the many shops in London that offer them, your tickets will likely not be legitimate. You can find out more about the location of the TKTS booth and how it works here Cheers!

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