
I'm going to meet my girlfreinds parents for the first time tomorrow night - What do I bring

by Guest21270  |  earlier

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I'm going to bring some flowers (Daisies because that is part of her name) and candy. Or is this too old fashioned ?

How about bringing something specific for her parents ? Also she has a brother and sister too ! Do I need to get something for them ?




  1. You don't need to get something for the siblings, but bonus points for being a thoughtful person! Usually one brings a bottle of wine (unless the parents are non-drinkers, or you yourself are under-age!) or a nice dessert of some kind. If you're bringing flowers and chocolate for your girlfriend (which is what I assume from how you phrased your question) then a second, different bouquet of flowers would also be nice. Good luck :)

    Best Regards,


  2. Daisies are perfect.  Anything else would be too much.  Have a nice time.

  3. I think that it's a wonderful idea to bring that to your girlfriend (unless you know she would hate it!). For her parents, you could maybe bring some champagne, whine, chocolates, etc.

    Maybe you should ask your girlfriend what they like.

    For her siblings, I'm not sure anything is necessary, but you should probably bring something.  

  4. Well the first impression is very important, you could bring her mom flowers that shows that you have heart and as for her dad just be yourself and he'll except you.

  5. you dont need to bring anything for the parents or siblings just be polite and smile :) lol

    and wear perfume/cologne .. NOT TO MUCH THOUGH.

    and ye sure you can bring chocolates as well. so what if old fashioned ITS CUTE and who wouldn't want chocolates.

    & heres top 10 things girls complain about in guys:

    Dirty nails

    Nail Care

    Dry Lips

    Nose Hair

    The Unibrow

    Ear Hair

    Dry Skin


    Bad Breath

    Ear Wax

    Acne & Pores

    so stay clean and fresh :)

    -hope this helps.

  6. Unless, the children are very young, you don't need to bring them anything. If the are ten or younger buy them a fancy lollipop. I wouldn't add to the flowers and candy, because you don't want to look like you are trying too hard. Don't worry about seeming old fashioned. Most parents appreciate good manners.  

  7.'re gonna make a great impression!  I say the daisies are plenty.  If you want to bring along anything else, bring a game or a movie that the whole family can enjoy and call it good.  I'm sure they'll love you.

  8. It's not too old fashioned to bring flowers and chocolate for your girlfriend--it's actually very thoughtful!

    You don't have to bring something for her parents or siblings, but it is nice to do so. If you do want to score some brownie points, I'd suggest bringing flowers and a cake/dessert of some kind, only because it's something that can be enjoyed by both the parents and siblings. Ask your girlfriend a head of time if anybody has any allergies (peanut, gluten or otherwise) or if anybodys diet has any restrictions (is someone a diabetic, for example?), because I've been in situations where I've brought things too people that they were allergic too (peanut brittle to someone with a peanut allergy--it didn't end very well, to say the least) or something to someone they couldn't have (like ice cream to someone who was lactose intolerant).

    Because you don't yet know her parents or siblings well enough, something general or generic is more appropriate (kind of like you don't buy someone perfume for the first date). And just being nice too the siblings is enough--although it is a very nice thought to remember there birthdays and holidays!

  9. Bring a bottle of wine if you are old enough but honestly, you shouldn't feel obligated to bring stuff to your girlfriend's family. You are just meeting them but it never hurts to "suck up"


  10. I don't know about that one, but you can save alot of money by switching your auto insurance to GEICO.

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