
I'm going to middle school. It's a private school, and NONE of my friends are going there. Any tips?

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I'm really scared, and I need help!!!

Also, I need tips on



the "Queen Bees",

and school supplies.

Thank you so much if you take the time to answer my question!




  1. tips:

    -wear a coat of mascara and lip gloss. it looks fresh and cute. if your mom doesnt let you wear mascara, buy a clear mascara. it doesnt blacken ur lashes, but separates them!

    -always wear acessories with your outfits. this includes earrings, bracelets, necklaces, scarves (fashion scarves, not winter ones), watches (white watches are in), headbands, etc

    -always pack some mints in your bag, and brush your teeth before you leave to school. (boys hate it when you have bad breath!) i like to bring tic tacs and stash them in my locker.

    -also have a locker mirror in your locker to check your hair, makeup and other things.

    -drink lots of water- its good for your skin and heath.

    -make sure to have your nails painted, or completely clean. no chips. i like white nailpolish, but black is in too.

    -lots of girls will wear converse. perfect!

    -stay focused in school. look over what you did in class everyday after school. it will help when you have tests!

    -get a body mist like Calgon. spritz a little on, and youll smell awesome. buy a nice one like a fruit one, or vanilla.wear it everyday so it will be your signature scent.

    -wear deoderant before and after gym class!

    -keep a hoodie in your locker, so if you ever get cold, put it on!

  2. Remember, there are lots of other kids who feel the exact same way you're feeling now. You will make new friends and can still keep in touch with your old ones! A locker will be assigned to you (that's what I remember) And if you have a combination lock, jot the number down somewhere safe so you can peek if you need to. Most teachers will give you a list of supplies, if they require something special. Get involved in school stuff, have fun! These years go so fast. Within a week, you'll know your routine by heart and you won't even have to think about where to go, etc. Any problems that come up....counslors are there to help. They really do care! Good luck and have fun.

  3. Hey,

    Dont be scared. I am 13 and have been going to private school all my life. You need to be your self. Join a school club or sports and just talk to people. I am sure you will find people that you have things you share in common. If you need any help, just email me.

  4. Alright I have been at a private school all my life and have one more year to go of Middle School.

    I love it! Private school isn't bad at all!!


    -Buy locker mirrors and decorate your locker with erasable markers and magnets

    -Write down your locker combination until you have it completely memorized and give the paper to a friend "just in case"

    -If you have your period, keep a note card box in your locker with pads and tampons

    -Keep a magnetic earring rack in your locker too so you won't lose anything when you go to gym class

    -Keep deodorant in your locker for after gym (nothing is worse than BO)

    -Keep a sweatshirt or a sweater in your locker just in case you get cold

    -Have face wipes to wipe off oil from sweating


    -Friends are easy to make! Just compliment a girl's necklace or something

    -Usually private schools require sports and clubs, even if they don't, join them and you will automatically have more friends


    In my school they aren't really any "Queen Bees" because everyone is a preppy jock and everyone pretends to be friends with everyone else

    If there is a Queen Bee:

    -Don't step back if she is intimidating

    -Don't stand up to her either or you will get an instant enemy

    -Treat her like a regular person and ask her if she wants to be partners with you for a group activity

    -Pretend like you don't know that she is the "Queen Bee"


    Usually schools send out a list one or two weeks before school. If they don't, buy enough binders for you subjects and notebooks and loose-leaf for each binder (and lots of it)!!


    -Accessorize if you wear a uniform! This means plenty of bangles and necklaces and earrings

    -Always wear a cleat/black coat of mascara and keep your lips soft (no cracks)

    -If you wear make up, keep it nice and simple

    -Drink a lot of water if you play sports

    -Keep your skin fresh and clear (acne cream every night)

    -Most girls wear Converse sneaks, Nike sneaks, and Coach Flats/Sneaks

    -Stay focused in class and review your notes every night (it really does help!)

    -If you get a boyfriend, try not to get caught-up in the drama!!

    -Brush your teeth and keep mints in your pocket (no gum)

    -Bring a few dollars to school everyday because you might be able to get after-school snacks

    -Keep in touch with your old friends =D

    Good Luck, if you need more advice my email is on my profile!


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