
I'm going to miss my A Level Maths exam becuase i'm ill, i have a doctors note though, what will happen?

by  |  earlier

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will i have to resit? will they give me my predicted grades???




  1. You'll have to do a resit in January if you don't want a U. You'll also have the option of resitting next summer, rather than in January.

    EDIT: You may have to pay £15 for the resit.

  2. depends what level of schooling.  below college you'll probably get to take a make-up exam.  lower levels of college you'll either get a new exam or an oral board.  upper division college you'll get an incomplete untill you take the final next time the class is offered.  grad school... you don't ever miss a test.

  3. You'll resit it probably at a later date maybe in a few weeks/months I would think, that's what my friend had to do cos she was pregnant! Lol

  4. I don't know but can't you just take a make-up test

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