
I'm going to miss my teacher a lot?

by  |  earlier

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well i used to really not like my teacher because he was mean and sarcastic, but ive grown to love him and i joke around with him every day. i love that class now, it's probably my favorite class. i can be open with him and he doesn't seem like a teacher but more like a peer. he teases me a lot but i think he likes me cuz i dont take it personally like everyone else. im really sad i wont see him next year, but i dont want to visit him because i think that would be weird or awkward. what should i do?




  1. u could try getting his email or arrange a date to visit him

  2. catch him now and in private tell him exactly how he has influenced you. Its the reason teachers teach !

    Cant do face to face get his address so you can ALWAYS write him.

    This is the exact reason teachers teach !!!   You owe him that

  3. Of course visit him!  I'm a teacher and I dream about students coming back to visit me, at any age.  It is an absolutely wonderful and rewarding feeling to know I've made such a positive impact on a student.  I think it would be very flattering and make him feel very appreciated.  I've been taught by some amazing teachers and still keep in contact with some of my elementary school teachers.  And I'm almost 30!  Go for it.  Have fun!

  4. Make sure to get his e-mail address.  Then keep in touch.  I still have some teachers from elementary and middle school I keep in touch with via e-mail.  I am in college now.

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