
I'm going to paris.?

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ok im going to paris and i'v never been there and I thought that maybe I some pointers from you guys thanks.




  1. Hi,

    Have you visited Kerala State in India ? Goa state in India ? These are the best holidays spot in the world.

    Next time, visit Goa and North Kerala in India. Season in Goa starts from October and ends in June. But In Kerala the season starts in August and ends in June. Also you can enjoy Monsoon showers in Kerala during July, August and September.


    For health benefits take Ayurvedic package and stay in Beach side home and also stay overnight onboard House Boat and cruise in ackwater systems in North Kerala. Visit Kasaragod District in Kerala and enjoy the heavenly Village life. India is waiting for you and amany of your friends.

    God Bless you,



  2. if you're planning on making several metro trips in a day, i'd recommend buying the  "mobilis" ticket instead of the carnet of 10 tickets. the mobilis is an all-day pass for 5,50 (zones 1-2). the carnet is nearly 11 euro and gives you 10 tickets you can use whenever but they go quicker than you think. there's also the ticket jeune for people less than 26 years old. it's 3,20 but you can only use it saturdays, sundays and bank holidays. you can see more at

  3. Sure you´re going to love it....... I went some years ago and it´s one of my favorites cities.

  4.`re so lucky..!

  5. One good way to discover Paris is hopping on one of the buses with open upper deck which will be touring you around the main sites of the city. You may jump on and off at any time and make your own schedule.

    You might also want to travel on the river Seine on one of the many river buses. It's particularly nice by night.

    If you stick around the city center, on both sides of the river Seine, you will have plenty of sight seeing.

    For a typical French touch, don't miss Saint Germain des Prés, in the 6th arrondissement, and the surrounding "Quartier Latin".

    On the Island of "La Cité", you'll easily spot the cathedral of "Notre Dame de Paris"

    In the 4th arrondissement, you'll be amused to walk through the "Marais" fashion district driven by the g*y and jewish communities.

    On the "Butte Montmartre", in the 18th arrondissement, you'll find a cute village atmosphere behind the Sacré Coeur church.

    I wouldn't recommend Champs Elysees, or only for a short stop because it's so crowded. It's where people from the suburbs flow in during weekends.

    For chilling out, Bastille, Marais and Quartier Latin are perfect.

  6. Go to Yahoo Trip Planner.  It's awesome!  It is easy to use, there are trips already planned that you can copy and you can find the most popular attractions, restaurants, shopping and tons of information on everything.

    It has maps, addresses, phone numbers and lots of tips can be found in the journals of other peoples trips that they share with you.

  7. It's a pretty place and very safe to walk about, even at night.

    If you are planning on staying in Paris use the metro and do not drive, you'll see why when you get there.

    Champs-Elysees is a must place to walk at night. start at the Rond-Point roundabout and Concorde and walk towards the Arc de Triomphe.

    The Eiffel Tower is nice but the best views of Paris are from the Montparnasse

    It helps to know a little bit of French to get by. I have had problems getting a metro ticket until I asked for it in French and then he happened to speak English.

  8. It is a fantastic city. My one thing I would tell you is 'Bonjour' will get you really far. Remember the politeness is key in France, when going into a shop or your hotel ALWAYS say 'bonjour.' This will make them see you are not just the average tourist and plus get lost in the city and avoid the tours but that is just me.

  9. if you ask for water in a restaurant, and you only want a glass of it, ask for a "caraffe de l'eau" (sorry about the spelling, my French is rusty) or else they will bring you the most expensive bottle of water they sell.  If you are using the Metro (which you should) ask for a "une carnet" it is 10 (i think) tickets.  this way you don't have to buy a new one everytime you use it.  (granted, unless they have come up with a different system since I have last been there....) if you stay in a hotel, you have to turn in your room key everytime you leave (i don't know why), and watch your pockets/purses/bags...the gypsys are always out in full effect.  Have fun and say hi to the Mona Lisa for me!
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