
I'm going to public school next year for the 8th grade and I have a lot questions. Help please!?

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OK, so I've been homeschooled all my life and for the 8th grade I am going to public school and I have a lot of questions about it. If you could answer any of them that would be great!

1. Is it hard to find all your classes?

2. How long does it normally take each night to complete your homework?

3. What happens if you get on the bus and there's nowhere left to sit?

I have a ton of other questions but not enough patience to write them all down, so include any info you think would be helpful please!




  1. Oh, my gosh!  I'll bet you're so excited!  I teach in a county where we only have one private school, and I used to teach grades 7 and 8, so I've had students like you for a long time.

    Ok, here are your answers:

    1.  It won't be any more difficult for YOU to find your classes than any other 8th grader - they'll have new classes too.

    2.  This question depends on what classes you have, who your teachers are, and what your county/district policies on homework may be.

    3.  Don't worry about the bus thing; people will almost ALWAYS make room, and it's a good way to break the ice and make new friends.

    Here are some other pointers:

    1.  Color code your spirals/folders, etc.  That way, you won't get them mixed up and take the wrong one to the wrong class.  For example - red for history; green for science, etc.

    2.  Don't use a "trapper keeper" thingy - things get lost too easily.

    3.  Do use a pencil pouch to keep a small calculator, pens, pencils, eraser, etc.

    4.  Don't be afraid.  It's a new year for everyone, not just you.  You get to meet new people, and a great way to do that is to join a club - find something you're interested in and go for it.  Clubs and organizations are usually listed in the student handbook, but if not, just ask some people about them.

    5.  Don't be afraid to ask questions of anyone - where a classroom is, where the restroom is, when's lunch . . . you know - IMPORTANT things!

    6.  HAVE FUN!!!!!!!

  2. 1. Its usually very easy. I went to a middle school of 2000+ teens and got around just fine. Most middle schools have a map that they give you with your schedule. You'll be ok ;)

    2. It all depends on your teachers. For some classes, I almost never got homework. For other classes, I got 2 hours every night. Some middle schools have homework policies where they  require teachers to give a certain amount of homework each night. Your school's policies are probably listed on your school's website. If not, you are going to get a nice rules/guidelines/policies packet the first day of school.

    3. lol they wouldn't schedule more kids to a bus than they have seats for :]

    As for helpful info:

       8th grade was definitely one of the best years of my life. Have fun with it. Be friendly and polite, but don't be clingy and annoying. Participate in class, join a club, make friends with people who like the same things you do.  

    You might also want to know about cliques:

    Don't judge people by what clique they belong to. Some popular people will be the coolest people you'll ever meet, while as for others, you'll wonder how they ever got on top of the social pyramid.  Nerds can be really cool, but they can also be really geeky and annoying. The same goes for every other clique. Real friends will accept you for who you really are, so don't change  yourself just to fit in to a clique.

  3. Well, by the looks of it, your 3 questions have been answered.

    So I'll just give you advice.

    If, rather, WHEN your teacher(s) say something you disagree with (based on what you have been taught at home) ARGUE WITH THEM ABOUT IT!!! Stand up for what you believe in hun.

    The worse they can do is send you to "detention" after which you can call your parents and have them rip your false-teaching teacher up and down.

    Listen, our public school system is messed up... BAD.  So in order for you to come out on top, stick to your morals.  Stick to what you know is right, for after all, would your parents want to teach you untruth? No.  Would some teacher who does not know you at all, pushes papers at you to get paid and tells you lies because they don't care? ... well, more likely then the latter.

    I'll give you a personal experience.

    It was because I would stand up for what I believed in (aka argued with my teachers when they'd lie) That my mom pulled me out of public school and put me in a private school where we can teach the truth of our founding Fathers, etc...

    I warn you now and NEVER EVER EVER for get this: Our public school system is currept and always will be.  I KNOW.  I'vbe seen it, I've been in it, I've talked to teachers who use to teach in it (who left once they saw how messed up it was) and, the sad thing?  Hardly ANY public-educated person knows it....  Brain washing at it's finest.

    Be careful out there, K?  :)

    Good luck.

  4. the first day is confusing, don't take any advice from classmates (they could intentionally give you the wrong way). only take advice from a teacher. you will get lost at some point, but it's ok since they give you an extra 10 minutes to catch up. download a map from your schools website so you can familiarize yourself. 8th grade is easy, no more that 3 hours of hmwk. except if you're slow. test yourself during the summer (do some practice math problems, get to know vocab etc.) then you'll be able to help others and get to know people. #3, that never happens, or you can share a seat with 2 other skinny people. 8th grade rule: DON'T FREAK OUT IT'S NO BIG DEAL. really, it isn't. it was actually the best year of my life and i'm entering the 11th grade. :) have fun!

  5. lol calm down! I was homeschooled from 2nd-9th grade and i thought high school was gonna kill me.  But it's no big deal, don't worry.

    1: yeah, it'll be confusing at first, but you'll get the hang of it real quick. Especaily when you start to recognize and get to know the kids in your classes. If you can, take a look around before school starts. And I carried a little map around with me for the first few weeks. lol.

    2: Umm...can't help you much with this-was never a big fan of homework :) But it will depend on your subject, how close you are to tests, and how much effort your teacher expects of you.

    3: lol chill. They won't ever schedule more kids to a bus than they have seats for. If there's kids sitting in all the seats, just walk up and ask if the seat is free. They're used to it, they do it every day, most of them won't give a sh*t.

    Other stuff: RELAX!!! it's not a race. If you get lost in the halls, don't freak out, just tell someone your lost. If you don't understand how something works in class, just ask.  Easy as that. It's not a popularity contest. BE YOURSELF. Don't change just to fit in. You want real friends, not people who only like how you dress or who you hang out with, etc. If someone starts harrasing you in any way, just walk it off. They don't matter and they cant do sh*t. Be friendly but don't be clingy. Find something you like (sports, journalism, art stuff, music, etc.) and get involved! Even if you don't stick with it, you'll get to know people and it'll get you used to the whole school experience.

    Hope I've helped. Good luck and have fun!

  6. 1. It all depends on the size of the school. On the first day teachers are lenient, so if you are tardy to a class they won't mind.

    2. Some nights you will have 10 minutes of homework, other nights you could have an hour of homework. It will vary

    3. You have watched too many movies, there is always a seat on the bus. This isn't Forest Gump, you will be fine.

    Be ready for eighth grade cliques, they will be obvious as you walk down the hall. Don't be annoying. If somebody asks you if your new to the school or what your name is answer them and just have a casual conversation. Many times I will talk to a new kid and they will find me at lunch, between class, and follow me around like I am their new best friend. Some people may not mind, but I thought it was annoying. You will have fun going to games, dances, class trips, ect. It will be very different, but you should do fine. Actually, a lot of kids will probably think its cool that you were home schooled.

  7. wow loser waitta waste your life

  8. 1. yeah in the begging it might be hard for you, it all depends on the size of your school, you can usually get a tour of it .. at my school all of my classes are in the same hall except for like 2

    2. depends on the levels you will be taking, butt deffonatly no more than 2 hours if i get alot of homework

    3. dont worry there will always be a seat .. on rare occasions are there ever no seats left , and you have privalige since yourr older than everyoneee. .. and if there aren't anymore just ask politelyy to sit with someone.

    soo im an eighth grader right now, and really dontt worry about it .. 8th grade is the funnest year. always try to be yourselff, and dont do anythingg to change yourself to please people you want friends who like you for you .. not by what you wear, look like , act, and do ... watchoutt for boys,all the want in that grade is to "get some" .. mostlyy all of them are immature, but i must say they make alot better friends then girls do. i dont want to get you all nervous, but im going to be honest. eighth grade girls can be veryy mean. just watch outt they are very twofaced and the prettymuch all talk about eachother.. and don't be scared of the "popular" kids, there harmless theyy are usually some of the nicest kids if there not cocky. and deffonatlyy dont judge someone by how they do in school , what they look like , or what they like to do .. becuase the people you least expect could be the nicest people you could meet. .. i dont know about at your school , but at mine , we have a guidance councelor.. dont go to them with your problems , unless there worthh it.. beucase usually it just makes  everythingg worse, beuccuase you told on them..  and when it comes to making firends, try to join an activity or tryoutt for a sport that you enjoy so you can make friends with people that you have something in common with. dont try an act all cool because people will think yourr annoying.. just act calm and collective .. if you have anymore questions about something i didnt answer for you just add it in the details of the question and i will answer it for you.. goodluckk! i hope you have a great eighth grade year  (:

  9. 1: no not usually-at my school, all of my classes are on the same hallway.

    2: depends on how much homework you have

    3: Have no idea-don't ride the bus, sorry!

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