
I'm going to quit 5 points, yet I do ask you how you like the late Princess Diana?

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I'm going to quit 5 points, yet I do ask you how you like the late Princess Diana?




  1. I was there for her wedding, so I have always felt like there was something there, undefineable, but some sort of relationship with her.

    I have always been a fan, but a believer, also, in being realistic about things...never believed she would divorce Charles unless she could retain custody of the boys, which came to pass, Don't believe there was some sort of conspiracy re her death.  Sanity, above all.

  2. I'll take two points for your wasted 5 points. Princess Diana was a media feast - she appeared at a point in the royal family's life when they were about to go into extinction due to irrelevance and boredom. She was highly photogenic and initially coped OK with the attention. She certainly created media hysteria when she had two young boys. Her philanthropic work propelled her to stardom.

    When her marriage went belly up, the media could not help themselves and they feasted in an uncontrolled frenzy - quite bizarre. Her death (tragic as it was) sealed her "fate" - it shot her into stratospheric realms of super-superstardom. Even to this day a picture or word about her, draws crowds of attention. Your question being a case in point.

    So, better she rests in peace today - she was headed for a very very miserable life - as she aged the media would have picked on her (kind and unkind) as the first wrinkle started to show, if she re-married, perhaps even had another child etc. etc.

    Trivia conclusion: My wedding anniversary date falls on her funeral date - so every year there's this "sombre" feeling when I celebrate my happiness (yes I'm delightfully and very happily married for 23 years). Cheers!

  3. I never met her so I can't say. I don't judge people I don't know.

  4. The biggest paparazzi manipulator in history.

  5. I think she was beautiful and was a nice person even though she was bed hopping and went before her time

  6. She was a great humanitarian and did a great job making the royal family seem like "real people"

  7. Liked her better when she was alive...

  8. I thought she was delightful, and wish I'd had the chance to meet her.  She didn't put up with her husband's infidelities, and yet managed to raise 2 pretty decent boys.  I hold her in high esteem, and also agree that the world would be a better place with her in it still.

  9. nice

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