
I'm going to spain for a month...?

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I will be going to Salamanca for a month as part of an immersion trip. Any adivice on anything i should know? you know: nightlife, places to eat, weather, etc.

If it helps any I won't be some stupid american who doesn't know anything, I will only speaking spanish I want to go there and live like a LOCAL.




  1. Contact the spanish turism office in your home country, first of all. Visit

    On arrival, go to the turism office in Salamanca. They allways give good advice and lots of brochures and maps.

    For the weather:, the metereolgical institute.

    Don´t carry too much clothes. You will buy anyway. My tip would be ZARA, a large spanish clothes chain. They are here much cheaper than in the rest of the world.

    For eating: Go to the places where the Spaniards are! Lunchtime is from 1:30 pm on. In every bar they have kind of a buffet along the bar for tapas. Try them, don´t be afraid. Just point and try. Besides, most restaurants offer a menu of the day, which is relatively cheap (around 7 - 10 € for a three cours meal).

    Salamanca is a university city and so full of young people. You can be sure that you will know a lot of people very fast.

    One , in my opinion very negative thing, is that many people here smoke dope. So be careful.

    Otherwise: Bienvenidos a España! Que te pasa bien!

    Dinner is not before 9:00 pm!

  2. If you don't want to stand out as a foreigner, try to remember to lisp your Z's and soft C's!! :)

    Salamanca is BEAUTIFUL, you will love it!! The walk along the river is really pretty, and the buildings are amazing. Don't forget your camera!!! There are fabulous views on every corner.

    I agree with the "cold in the winter" comment. Pack warm things!!! I just about froze to death the weekend I was there in December.

    Great stores, bars, and vistas! :)

  3. I was in Madrid in November of 06 with a group of friends.  We went to three different restaurants that were recommended to us by some people that had already been.  We loved all three places for different reasons.  They were absolutely great.  #1.  Casa Patas:  Tel # (91) 369-0496.  The food here was ok.  Great sangria.  The best part about this place is the after dinner show.  It is a live flamenco dance presentation that I believe is a must see.  When you make your reservations here make sure to also make a reservation for the after show.   #2. El Botin.  Tel # (91) 366-3026 or 4217.  This is the oldest restaurant in Europe.  Also known as the pig restaurant.  By far the most amazing roasted suckling pig in the world.  5 stories.  Great wine.  and # 3 - La Vaca Veronica. Tel (91) 429-7827.  This is an Argentinian/Spanish restaurant.  Really good food; you will like it.  Hope this recommendations help and I hope you have a great time.

  4. if you are not familiar with spaniard behaviour you will hate it

  5. If you're going there and live "local", get some advise from the "locals" or make some friends there and they will get you to the best places there. I've never been to Salamanca but I've heard it's really nice. It's one of the best places in Spain for nightlife because it has a very old and important university and it's full of young people. There are lots of bars and locals in the city centre where you can drink, dance, eat and meet peolple.

    About the weather I don't know what to tell you because it depends on when you're going there. It doesn't rain often anyway.

    Have fun there and tell us about your experience when you come back.

  6. Don't worry, Salamanca is used to people going for  language courses and the locals will make sure that you enjoy yourself. Weather is cold in winter (it snows) and hot in summer.

    I wish I could do a course there!

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