
I'm going to start 10th grade in less than a month. Any advice please?

by Guest67181  |  earlier

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9th grade for me was pretty good but i wasn't my usual high honor roll self. I was wondering if 10th grade is going to be super stressful. My mom signed my up for an 85 dollar PSAT review class that I'm going to be going to in about a week. Does anyone that recently finished 10th grade have any advice? Thank you. =]




  1. i just finished 10th grade.

    i'd say the classes were definitely harder than 9th grade

    be prepared to take notes, no more games in class

    my school gave us the PSAT for free

    and even that was difficult: you can't really study for it.

    if you tell me your classes, i can tell you the difficutly.

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