
I'm going to start a petition but...?

by  |  earlier

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i want to make a petition to help with the eniviornment

2 questions

How many signatures do i need for the town council to take alook into the matteR?

and also what should i do for it ?

i was thinking to get rycycling cans around the towns but i wasnt sure if thats a good diea

any other ideas?

or is my idea a good one ?




  1. Hmmm, I'd say a couple hundred or so. But if you're in a big city, like the other person was saying, I'd say then try to get it in the thousands. And with your petition, make sure you have a well though out plan. Try and explain whereyou want these reycling cans located, (2 cans on Marina Drive, a dozen or so at The Square, etc.), tell them it wouldn't cost much. Also when people sign the petition, ask them to maybe a few words if they wish, explaining why that want to have these reycling bins more accessible. Just try to sound smart about it and show how much you care about the environment!

    And btw, I think it's a GREAT  idea! Sometimes its so hard to find recycling bins when you need them, and its tempting to just throw away your can or whatever.


  2. Because we see so many containers set out for recycling but used for garbage too, may as well go along with the trend and have garbage bins, and a sorting station so that people can simply put everything in one bin to be sorted at a central place.

    Seriously, nobody is going to do a proper job of cleaning as well as separating things on the curb... they will toss stuff into whatever bin is there.  

  3. I'm a tree hugger myself and I think that you should walk around town and see what needs to be done the most. You could always plant a tree or just pick up trash around town. About the number of signatures: it depends on where you live and the population. Hence, if you lived in LA where there are a bunch of people, you'd probably have to get more signatures. If you lived somewhere in like, Idaho where there's like 3,000 people in the town, you'd probably need less. It might say something about it on your city's webpage. You shouldn't do a petition to help your city, however, because in most cases it's not worth it. You should just do whatever you can by yourself and some friends too, rather than forcing it on the city. (because they probably have enough to deal with and they probably won't do a great job).  

  4. We can sign petitions and have recycling bins everywhere BUT what we actually have to do is EDUCATE those who currently dont recycle -  I try really hard to do my bit - that includes taking stuff to the tip on a regular basis just ot make sure its reycycled and not landfilled.   My black bin - like most in the area is collected fortnightly and with four of us in the house I am managing to throw out only half a bin full on a regular fornightly cycle -  yet i still see bins overflowing with rubbish including plastic bottles which if you take the time you can recycle qute easily.

    On a similar note about EDUCATION - i went to Glastonbury this year and what an amazing event it was - however what got to me more than anything else was the amount of rubbish just dropped onto the ground - they had plenty of bins and a constant change of bins rota in place to easily accommodate most of the litter however - people would stand within two yards of a bin drink their drink, eat their food off a paper plate with a wooden fork or such like then drop the whole lot on the floor - GRRR  did anyone see the pics of the Pyramid stage on the final day - there was litter just left anywhere  -  some people just CANT BE BOTHERED - FACT (Unfortunately)  

    All that said - you get a petition going - ill sign!

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