
I'm going to start formal dance classes- which style should I start with first?

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Jazz? Ballet? Hip-hop? I'm most interested in Hip Hop just in case y'all were wondering.

Also, what do I need to do to become dance teacher?

I'm seventeen btw. Too late?




  1. ballet of course. it is the most important form of dance. ballet teaches you gracefulness, flexibility, disiplin, and beauty. it is the most basic of all. after you master a lil of ballet and you think you want to stop, then ok, you can, and start hip-hop.

  2. Jazz is the most rounded form of dance because it has different moves from hip hop, ballet and any other styles you can think of.

    Hip Hop is a different movement from jazz, but it helps to have a grounding in jazz.

    its never too late to dance!

    have fun (Y)

  3. I'd say start with Hip Hop, or maybe you could say it is the students choice between hip hop, ballet, and jazz...maybe you can leave flyers around apartment buildings, schools, and grocery stores advertising your dance lessons.

  4. You're never too old to start dance. Ballet is what you NEED to start with, no questions asked. It's the basis of ALL dance, literally. You learn every single basic thing from there. If you're interested in strictly hip-hop then just take some of those classes. But, if you're wanting to be a versatile dancer, TAKE BALLET!! I can't stress enough how important it is.

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