
I'm going to take flying lessons.....?

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This summer when I turn 16 I'm going to start taking flying lessons near KFRG in Farmingdale,NY in order to be a commercial airline pilot. What will be the approxamite cost for these flying lessons? How many hours do I need in order to get my private pilots license? When can I fly solo? What's the approxamite cost of a Cessna 172 aircraft or to rent one when I get my license?




  1. If you've already decided what airport and what program you're going to take, you're probably in a better position than the rest of us are to find this information for yourself!  Just pick up the phone, call the FBO and ask them!

  2. You can solo at age sixteen. There is no minimum requirement of hours needed, just demonstrated competency. A typical average to solo is around 10 hours of flight instruction; some take more, others less.

    To get your private license you have to be 17 years old. The minimum requirements are spelled out here:

    The approximate cost in a late-model Cessna 172 averages $120 per flight hour plus about $35 for an instructor. Some places charge more, some less. Although the minimum requirement is 40 hours flight time (20 dual, 20 solo), the average student takes about 55-60 hours to receive a license (about 30-35 dual and 25 solo). This adds up to about $7000-$8,500.

    You can purchase an older Cessna 172, mid-1950's to early-1960's for about $30,000 to $40,000, depending on condition. I recently found a very nice 1959 model with a low time engine that needed minor work (a new generator) for $27,000. A Cessna 172, from late 1960's through the new ones can range from about $45,000 to $250,000. Again, rental is going to cost around $120 per hour "wet" (fuel included), give or take $20 or so per hour.

    Good luck, have fun.

  3. These are tough questions to answer, that's why you never find a straight answer to them....

    Everyone learns at their own pace and it could take you twice as long (twice the cost) as someone else.  You need a minimum of 40 hours to get your private certificate, the national average is about 65 hours.  You usually can solo after about 20 but that too depends on how quick you can pick things up, I would say that you will spend at least 75% of your private training in a dual (with instructor) situation.

    Your Private certificate could cost anywhere between $4,500 to $10,000 and up depending on where you live, and again how well you learn.  

    Where I live to rent an C-152 (smaller than the 172 you mention) it costs $76.00 an hour (including fuel)  My instructor charges $40 an hour.  Then you will have to buy books, $250, a headset, $100 on up.  3rd class medical, $100

    So say using those costs and bare minimums you would spend $3040 on rental (for 40 hours)  $1,200 on instructor (for 30 hours) plus books and gear.  so absolute minimum in this example you would spend $4,690 and it goes up from there...

    Oh, here a C-172 costs like $88 an hour to rent.  You could probably buy a cheap death trap for 25-30,000 but don't forget about insurance, maitnance, annuals...

    It's not a cheap hobby (or profession) but it's an amazing feeling flying your own airplane and well worth every penny :)

  4. All answers above are accurate... To add to this, without militarty training, your ATP license will cost approximately $40000 to obtain once youve gotten your private, instrument, multi-engine ratings and about 500 hours of time.

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