
I'm going to take up sailing. What type of clothing should I buy?

by Guest59013  |  earlier

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I'm going to take up sailing. What type of clothing should I buy?




  1. waterproof

  2. Anything, just get a proper waterproof jacket and water proof pants if you want

  3. boat shoes..a windbreaker jacket and shorts/pants that wont get ruined if they get wet

    basically anything thats waterproof

    and a life jacket

  4. you can go in your bikini if you want......unless noboday else does....then you would stand out alot. lol

    but professionals wear waterproof suits....kinda like surfers....

    but you can wear short shorts....khaki's.....with a spagehetti straps....or those shirts that are in shape of bra....but are shirts.....

    and show your tummy.

  5. What type of sailing? If you are on a small 14/16" comercial class sailboat in the summer, a bathing suit is great. Are you going to crew on a larger sailboat? Then you should take your cues on how to dress from your shipmates. You didn't give us anywhere enough info to give you an intelligent answer.

  6. tight fitting, water proof, warm (it gets very windy)


    sunscreen is EXTREMELY important

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