
I'm going to tell my parents that

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I mentally abuse my two year old sister. I love her with all of my heart and I hate seeing her upset. But over the last few weeks, I've been telling her that I hate her and that I want to die. She understands and so it makes her really upset. I think I do it because I need the reassurance that she loves me, that is pathetic I know. I've done everything to try and stop it but I can't help doing it. I also suffer major depression but I'm not using that as an excuse. I know that what I've been doing is horrible and I don't know why I do it. I love her so much and I don't like seeing her hurt, but I can't help myself. Today she went downstairs and told my parents that I said I hated her, but I denied it.

How do you think they'll take it? Will they be really mad at me?




  1. You really need some counseling...I am not trying to be rude or mean but you don't want your sister growing up to do this too. Or worse you continue to grow up and do this to your husband. You are taking the right steps by admitting there is a problem, but now you really need to admit this to your parents. Get some help...for the sake of your sister and yourself!

  2. well if your sceard of what your parents will think ask at school to see a councillor  

  3. dont tell em

  4. I don't think you should tell them but you should go to your little sister and apologize to her about saying you hated her and tell her you love her.

  5. I think that you are not a horrible person. You just have somethings that you need to work out. My mother mentally and physically abused me, but I know that is because she was sick. But she loved me enough that she let me stay with an aunt while she got herself together and I appreciate and love her for that. Thats why its called family, your little sister will forgive and forget only if you get help now! So your parents will most surly understand. They know we all need help every now and then, they maybe mad at the moment but in the long run your sister and your parents will thank you. I hope everything works out!!

  6. I think you should tell your parents right away - I am sure they will be understanding with your problem you obviously need some help - have you seen a phsyciatrist?  Maybe this would help if you could talk to a professional who understands these things.  Dont bottle up your feelings thats the worst thing you can do - good luck

  7. I would think about how you are going to stop doing this. You are depressed because of the way you are looking at life & need help in changing this. Are you willing to do what needs to be done if it can help you feel good? You can e-mail me. I coach people & even if you can't afford coaching I will help you if you are willing to do what it takes on your part... Please promise you will never even do anything like this again. Go to this baby & let her know how much you love her & that you are sorry you said bad things. Forgive yourself. You did the best you could do with what you knew how. I will teach you how to think differently & get habits that will help you love life.

  8. I don't think they would be mad, but they would be upset.

    You really should tell them, I do not think of you as a horrible person. The fact that you're considering telling your parents and asking for help on here shows that you don't want to be hurting your sister. It sounds like you love her very much, you just have some issues which need to be worked out. You sound like a good sister and you are doing the right thing by telling your parents, they will most likely be thankful for you admitting it. They know something is going on because she told them that you said you hated her. You just need to come clean, your parents will be upset but will only want to help. They can get you the help that you need, as well. I think you would benefit from speaking to a psychiatrist or receiving CBT.

    Best of luck.

  9. Even if they can be mad, you have to tell them, even if you love your sister only one bit ,because you need help, and -  excuse me to say that - your sister should be protected of you. If you are in depression, are you using medication? And why haven't you talked about  the situation with your doctor?  

  10. you must tell them. Hopefully they will not get mad but, understand that you need help. I hop you get the help you need and deserve and PLEASE try to do better with your sister. She is a 2 year old baby. I know you know better than that and that will affect her for life if it continues. Good Luck to you!

  11. You need to tell them, and yeah, they'll be mad and upset, but what do you expect? I suffer depression too, but that's no excuse to take it out on a two-year-old. Your parents would probably prefer you taking it out on them if you have to as they're adults and they can deal with it. Do you want your sister to end up depressed too? She'll be the one hating you if you don't stop...

  12. I would maybe talk to your school counselor first.  He/She will be able to tell you about local programs/groups/doctors that can help you with this problem.  Take the information you are given to your parents.  Say look I have a problem, I know I do and I can't stop.  I talked to my councilor they suggested "ZYX" and her is the information on how it and what ever else (maybe funding or grants you can get to pay for the programs).  Then explain in detail all you have done and how you just can't stop.   This way they know you are serious.  Plus these are actually signs of suicidal tendencies that most people miss and you councilor should see.  Best of luck.  Even if school hasn't started, call your school early morning before noon and see if there is a counselor there because you have an important personal issue you need to talk to them about.  Most teachers are at least there half days a few weeks before school starts.

  13. I think that you need to sit them down, with out your sister, and just tell them that you are in a major state of depression and you are starting to mentally abuse those that you love.  Tell them that you find yourself being mentally abusive to your sister and you want to get help before it gets any further.  Trust me, they will be so happy that you came to them to talk about it before you did any real damage to yourself or your sister.  Let them know that you want to go and talk to someone and that you really want to get some help for whatever it is that you are going through.  They dont know unless you ask.

  14. You are taking a very big step and no I do not think they will be mad at you.  At the very least they will help you get the counseling that you so very much need.  Just sit them down and calmly explain this to them and you will be just fine.

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