
I'm going to the UK in two days. I was wondering if anyone had any last minute advice for me before I go.

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I'm going to the UK in two days. I was wondering if anyone had any last minute advice for me before I go.




  1. id advising bringing quite a bit of money with you.

    As everything seems to be going up due to inflation.

    I would also advice you to wear clothes that are quite light with a waterproof jacket and bring an umberella. The weather at the moment especially in london is extremely unpredictable and has a tendancy to be hot one minute and cold/Raining the next.

    Make sure youve got all your Studd Sorted out.

    If you are going to london, id advise going to china town for the best Restaurants and Soho is definately the best for nightlife, just make sure your safe around those areas :)

    Have a good holiday x

  2. dunno where you're going to be, but London is set for rainy for the next few days ... not too cold, about 20 degrees C but not that hot either ... hope you're packing a waterproof and an umbrella

  3. get ready for qeueing and rain

  4. If its scotland you're visiting be prepared for rain but  there is also a chance of sun and quite hot weather

    soo wellies and a light rain coat

    but also sun screen and flip flops : )

  5. call your credit card people and let them know that YES, that's YOU going to be using the number abroad.

    A lot of credit card companies will flag and halt activity on the card until they can verify that it's you, but guess what? you're not home to answer the call.

  6. Bring umbrella, it's going to rain this week.

    Lucky me is off to Dubai for a month :D

  7. If you are from America, you will probably be going to London?  Might I suggest a stab proof vest????

  8. Pack an umbrella/raincoat, it's stuffy and rainy! Inform credit/debit cards that you will be using your card abroad. Read up on any guides you've bought (or buy), if you plan to hire a car remember to drive on the the left hand side of the road. Plan any airport transfers you need (they can be expensive), check your tickets/passports are in order! Change all monies to pound sterling (GBP) and don't be too shocked if prices seem high!

  9. Have fun! You are gonna love it and while taking pictures is nice, Being able to really really take it in is way better.

    Bon Voyage!

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