
I'm going to the store right now, can I pick anyone up something while I'm there?

by  |  earlier

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I'm grabbing some fruity jube jubes, a form of chocolate, tampons and maybe just maybe a box of ribbed condoms so I can reduce sewage waste.




  1. hey.. uh.. a shovel, a g pack of beer, a rope, a kitchen knife(a big sharp one) and um.. some masking tape maybe a rag and a gallon of water...

    oh.. and cheerios.

  2. arent you a guy....

  3. A roll of all chocolate neccos.

  4. lol, can u get me whip cream and handcuffs...ewwww jkjk

  5. I need a tomato

  6. How about one of those bottles of actual canadian maple syrup.  They run like $9, but it's SO good :)

  7. remember the gum that had the wrappers with tattoos on them? im all out

  8. little debbie"s please

  9. Get me tampons, gum, ice cream, soda, ham, double A batteries, ect. Thanks hun! ^_^

  10. i want some candy  

  11. yeah some JERK'INS hand lotion please

  12. lol!

    New shaver heads(venus embrace),tampons,dish detergent,and some tony's pizza(combination)!

    Thanks Hun!

  13. i could go for some kettle cooked lays plan and a iced tea

  14. oh well i needed some tampons xD

  15. i need some tampons, and ive been having a craving for orange juice

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