
I'm going to throw a note in a bottle in the ocean ?

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i got a glass bottle i'm going to throw it of into the ocean do you think it will go somewhere? i put my name and me email in it do you think it will get burried in the sand or go to antarcita an d ge tfrozen in the ice! or do you think th ebottle will brake?




  1. Do you even know which direction the waves will push the bottle? It will come right back! I hope you spell check your message before you throw it

  2. If you throw it from shore, chances are good that is where it will end up.

    If you want it to have even a small chance, make sure to pitch it in at high tide.

  3. Sand, and no i don't think it'll break.

  4. Nah, I think GreenPeace is likely to confiscate it

  5. most likely it'll never be found the oceans HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUG... you'll be lucky if it even survives long enough to reach another country

  6. it will most likey get caught in a riptide and return to the same beach several miles away.


  8. depends on where you throwing it out yet.

    the site below shows the major ocean currents

    and this one is more in-depth

  9. Could be a long throw if you live in Kansas.

  10. go gor it-see wht fahppen

  11. Don't litter.

  12. Thank you for planning on throwing trash into nature...

  13. haha that sounds cool

    idk what will happen but hopefully get like founded on the the  side of the world

  14. Hmm... Nobody can really know, until you have someone email you I guess. That'd be cool to do though. For instance, if it did manage to stay intact for yeears and then someone found it. That'd be awesome. I've let balloons loose with my name and email and it's always interesting to see how far they go if someone gets back to me. You should post the results one day if you get an email.

  15. hmmmm. something will probably happen but i have always wanted to try that soi might do it some day. thanx for the idea!

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