
I'm going to travel asia soon, Thailand,Cambodia, Vietnam, I want to travel light any tips on essential items?

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I'm going to travel asia soon, Thailand,Cambodia, Vietnam, I want to travel light any tips on essential items?




  1. this is probably more than you need to know but its good just to be aware of these things.  

    Here you go!  Everyone has different ideas on this, but these things have helped me over the years!

    Get travel insurance. It is not expensive and can save you in nasty situations. This is very important. Make sure to inform your Credit card companies that you are going to be out of the country so they don't freeze your accounts when they get a charge from Saigon or where ever you end up. It can be a real pain trying to straighten that out over the international phone.

    Carry copies of your passport and visas, your birth certificate, air line tickets and driver’s license in 3 or 4 different places. If your primary bag gets lost or stolen this will help you get back on track.  PS new (With the advent of key ring portable BUS drives you can carry all your documents on your key ring and never worry about it.) Don't carry a lot of money with you. ATM's are just about everywhere now, so you can get more cash when you need it. Pack light. Most of the places that you are going have nice inexpensive clothing shops and you will need room to bring the stuff back.   Leave your computer at home. There are internet cafes everywhere and they are very inexpensive. Use them. That way you don't have to worry about someone stealing your brick and you don't have to lug it around. Keep your passport, tickets etc in a sturdy pouch that goes around your neck. Never wear it in back. I haven't lost mine in over two years on the road and there have been a couple of attempts. Bring your cell phone. It needs to be the one that is most compatible with the various international systems a GSM Phone.  Ask your cell phone guy and don’t let him snow you with a long term contract.  It might be better to buy a phone in another country.  They are generally cheaper and set up for Sim cards.   Make sure it is unlocked so you can use different Sim cards from different countries. In most places, incoming calls are free. So your friends can reach you in an emergency and you can do the same. This works good. Just email the new number, (you get a new number every time you get a new Sim card) to those who need it and you have a safety net. Have multiple memory cards for your camera. Change them often so if anything happens to your camera you still have the pictures.   Bring a basic medical kit. Band-Aids, antiseptic and antibiotics. Anti diarrhea meds, aspirin etc. If you get food poisoning to the point that you have a fever go the doctor immediately. (The Hotel usually has one on call) You can die from food poisoning so don't s***w around. Wear slip on shoes. It saves time and trouble in airports and all Asian countries. Always let your hotels know when you leave. It’s best to give them the key, and tell them where you are going. Get a card from the hotel so you can find it again in case of extreme drunkenness or just a lack of directional ability. Also. Read your passport. It can pay to have the various Embassies know when you are in the country. They are not much help but they are a safety net in emergencies. Have I forgotten anything? I am sure I have but this is a good broad list to remember. and... Let the hotels handle booking your tours and local stuff. It costs a little more but it is worth it. Hey, Have fun. You are on vacation! Here are some good Web sites to remember.

    Lonely trip advisor for currency quotes

    Google earth for finding where you are on the big global map.

    Oh... get a good travel book. Lonely planet is good and gives you ideas about scams and rip offs in the areas where you are and good maps and directions to hotels and restaurants. Worth the money.

  2. let see:

    -camera (sure)

    -Thailand got everything. Cambodia, you need to have a lots of dollars small change (1 or 5 US$). Its for tips, taxi and anything. They accept dollar, and their money would be hard to exchange out of their country. Vietnam, you need to change your money. But their money also hard to change outside.

    -Bring a cap, or buy one. Its very-very hot.

    -Don't pack your bags full yet. A lot of interesting T-shirt you could find in Thai and Cambodia. Not so much in Vnam.

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