
I'm going vegan...?

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So I've decided to go vegan, and I find it's really easy at home, but I'm having a hard time telling my friends that I've decided to do it. Most of them are fine that I was vegetarian, but whenever I tell people I'm vegan they don't know what to feed me. Any suggestions for what I can say/do to make it easier for them?




  1. So I think you can feed yourseft cause you decide to do that and you have to do something for you purpose!

    Why you want to go vegan.God make a lot of  good things for us why don't you recieve that?

    Do what you want but keep healthy and make the people around you happy because of your prsence!

    Wishing you a happy life!

  2. Congrats on your decision! I would offer to bring your own food (and bring enough to share with others.) If people insist on cooking for you, then give them some easy vegan meal suggestions. For instance:

    -Peanut butter and jelly sandwich

    -Avocado, lettuce & tomato sandwich

    -Bean burrito

    -Pasta with tomato sauce

    -Baked potato topped with salsa

    More ideas here:

    You can ask people to make you vegan versions of the food they're preparing for themselves. For instance, if they're making quesadillas, they could make you cheese-less quesadillas stuffed with veggies. (This would be easier than preparing a completely different meal for you.)

    Good luck!

  3. tell them that it was a choice of yours and that they don't really need to worry about feeding you

    tell them what veganism is and what you don't eat and maybe they'll buy gardenburgers or something else that you'll enjoy

  4. I find it easiest just to bring my own food -- and enough to share so people realize that food doesn't have to have animal products in it to be great. If bringing your own food isn't an option that works(sometimes that hurts feelings if they want to cook for you), you can help your friends by being specific. Tell them exactly what to make for you instead of having them wonder what to feed you. Give them recipes and tell them where to find the ingredients. That should make it easy for them. If they are making a meal for many and you're the only vegan, ask if they can just leave out the meat/cheese/ eggs/etc. of whatever they're making from your portion. They'll learn to be creative and if they eat vegan too when they feed you -- they'll be eating a little healthier too.

  5. Say, "anything that does not have meat", etc.
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