
I'm gonna fail spanish class! should i kill myself?

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Theres no way i'm gonna pass!




  1. oh no, por favor, no matan a ti mismo porque de la escuela! sólo seguir intentándolo y le tire a través de él. , ¿tienes algunos amigos que se puede estudiar? obtener un grupo juntos y hablar sólo en español. Siga intentándolo! No se dé por vencido!

    Buena suerte!

  2. Death is a permanent solution to a temporary problem.

    Being Canadian I was forced to learn French which made me drop out of school for five years before they changed the way things were done.  I returned and finished, with still no interest in that language.

    Several years later I got an interest in the language and started learning it.  That's the funky thing about learning; I think people need inspiration or something to make it easier.

    Take care

  3. sure why not, we have enough idiots here already!

  4. kill it before it kills problem.never give up until the last breath of ur one plans to fail to plan but fails to plan..just dont give up..all that u can do is think positively ..and give ur best even if exam is tomoro...

  5. ask if you can switch outta the class.

    or switch to a spanish class for people who are having trouble

  6. don't kill yourself! Tell the teacher you need some extra help!

  7. No you shouldn't kill yourself.  There are a lot more people in this world with more problems than just Spanish class.  If you are that selfish, I suggest you get you priorities in order.

  8. tu eres es estupido punto

    just kidding.

    but seriously DONT DO ITTT!!  

  9. your a crazy  person !

    spanish is c**p anyway !

    ohh an go see a councilor !

  10. Instead of planning to kill yourself, try spending some time with Spanish book.

    take help of some of your good friends and learn together, that is the easiest way of studding a boring subject!!!!

    All the best.

  11. i don't think you should joke like this....

  12. whoa, it's ok. just relax.

    you can talk to you're teacher for tutoring or extra credit. teachers maybe possibly can add a curve if they see you try really hard. you can also talk to your counselor about changing courses. it's NOT that big of a deal.

    don't kill yourself over it.

  13. And whose fault is that?  Why of course it's your fault.  So if you flunk the course, it's apparently no big deal because you sure didn't think it was a big deal before now.  The best way to look at any failure is to take it as a life lesson and turn yourself around.  Would you kill yourself if you fell off a horse or a bike?  Get real...take the course again, but his time study!

  14. wow. this is such a lie. ITS AUGUST 19TH. WHEN DID UR SCHOOL YEAR START? TODAY?!?!?!  

  15. Don't kill yourself. Just fail.  

  16. whoa whoa whoa... relax  

  17. haha ... stop begging for attention

  18. spanish is a dumb language to learn, all you need is English anyways.

  19. don't kill yourself over a foreign language

  20. Are you stupid, its a class. There is no reason to kill yourself espically over a class.

  21. Ask your guidance councilor can you switch to another class.

  22. OK, I hope you are being dramatic here, and not serious. If you are serious, you need to tell your folks or the school counselor right away. A language is like math - if you miss key points in the beginning it becomes harder and harder to catch up. But Spanish class is nowhere like the real world. You'd be surprised at how much you will have learned if you get to practice Spanish with Spanish speakers. If you are dealing with a U.S. Hispanic population you're going to find all kinds of accents, words with different meanings, and a majority of people speaking "Spanglish" anyway.   It's usually the grammar rules that kill you in school anyway.  And, as in English, there's a lot of grammar rules broken in normal Spanish speech. Still, if you can get your hands on the beginning material and relearn basic grammar on your own, it might help with this class.

    My niece was flunking Spanish and dropped the course. The next year her family was going on vacation to Italy, so she decided to take a basic Italian course - starting over. For some reason, Italian was so much easier for her - and in the end it changed her future career. She now teaches English as a 2nd language to Japanese and Kenyan immigrants.

  23. Why not? i dont know you

  24. NOOO take up french! haha jk look around for a tutor and don't think you'll sound stupid everyone struggles with school at some point like I was scared about even asking for help when I found out some of my bestest and smartest friends saw tutors for help! No body needs to be perfect and try to get out of that rut. It's okay if you don't get an A or B or C hey if you get an F look at it as F for Future Improvement!

    Oh I get by with a little help from my friends! OHHHHHH :) you can do it!!!!!!!!!

  25. i always not try and then when i have an F i try extremly hard and i always manage to get it up to a -D which is a pass just ask for extra credit or ask them "is there anything i can do to pass?"

  26. umm I have failed more than one class in my lifetime its  not the end of the world you can always retake it!

  27. try your best!dont think about non sense like killin your self!

  28. It might seem a little hard, but I´m sure you are much tougher than that.

    I have a multimedia Spanish - English forum. We have all kinds of tools to help you such as an online dictionary, verb conjugator, etc. Also there are videos that explain things. You can ask questions in our forum and get help with anything that you don´t understand. There is also text and voice chat, so if you need more personal one on one help, it´s available. Just look at it as  free personal tutor. You can find us at .

    Hang in there. You are smart. Don´t let a little thing like this get you down. Who knows, you might have fun with it once you get started. I did.

    Good Luck!!


  29. How dare you, bunch of losers, to say that Spanish doesn't matter...

    With globalization, everyone will need to know two or three languages unless you want to specialize in a job where there's no need to... Like cleaning floors and stuff like that (but, just as an example my dean has a bilingual maid)...

    And, for the losers who put there lame ideas through a translator: LEARN THE LANGUAGE!! At least the basics... WTF... Most of you can't even spell well in English and yet make those lame comments about Spanish...

    Anyway, when I think I'm about to fail a class, I love to exaggerate like that... In any case, try practice some more...

    Practica más, estudia más, pide ayuda a alguien que sepa el idioma...

    El Español es un hermoso idioma... Con práctica lo dominarás...

  30. well that wouldnt solve anything.

    besides even if you fail but are still interested in learning the language you can still study it on your own, or get a tutor.

    its not the end of the world

  31. Thats just stupid.

    Dont kill yourself over it, change or fail and do better next time,

    Tengo el fuego del sol in me panteloneus.....thats all you need to know LOL

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