
I'm good at chess, but I'm useless against my opponent's queen. Help me!?

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Ok, so i have this program called Chessmaster. I'm sure most of the people answering this question have heard of it. With the weaker opponents, I just get the opponent's queen into a position where she takes my queen, then I take their queen with a rook. I loose a queen, but so do they, so I can usually win. Now that i'm starting to play stronger opponents though, they won't take the bait, and usualy checkmate me in just a few moves after bringing their queen out. Is there any way i can stop the queen from owning me? I either need a strategy to deal with the queen or a quick way to take her out.




  1. don't bring your queen out too early use her as a last resource

  2. do not play to get the queen, play to win. blow through what u need to. do not try to get ur queen out asap. "develope" or move your knight and bishops and pawns to form a defence or offense, set traps like "discovered check" "scewer" "pin" "fork" use these techniques to win and think where can their queen(or pieces of interest) move and look in every spot of interest and play out the scenario in your mind. Then when u have thought it through strike at the right time! then look into ur opponents eyes and smile...

  3. If you are going for an exchange sacrifice, do remember that either of you players might still have an advantage like the position. Never allow him to have the better position. You should always let his move be to your advantage. I suggest you learn simple openings like the Two Knights Opening, Sicillian Defence, Petroff Defence and French Defence. Master them. Don't try gamit openings, they are risky!

    Please choose me as the best answer if i deserve it

  4. try to trap the queen when she is coming out. otherwise, protect your king at all costs!

  5. Use her strength to your advantage.

  6. You should take some chess lessons

  7. It is not usually advisable to bring a queen out in the opening. Being a powerful and mobile piece, you can develop her much easily than other pieces.

    Try developing ( bring to proper places) minor pieces like knights and bishops first.

    Trade queens only if you think you're other pieces (rooks, bishops and knights and pawns) are properly-developed already. Otherwise, you'll be needing your own queen.

    Avoid trading queens also if you are lagging in material advantage (i.e. your opponent captured more pieces than you). The material disavantage will be highlighted without the power of the queen.

  8. Get your queen in a position where if they decline they trade your queen dominates.  Usually on an open file, but always if your queen is in the center and not easily dislodged by other pieces.

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