
I'm good at skiing...what about snowboarding?

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I picked up on it pretty quicky and could go down some pretty steep hills by the second time I had gone skiing. My question is, is snowboarding any easier if you are good at skiing? Does it help at all. I'm pretty confident I'll be able to pick up snowboarding as quickly as I did with skiing..?




  1. its actually harder to learn how to snowboard after u learn to ski

    the way u turn and EVERYTHING is different so its better to be a complete beginner or if u kno to skateboard b/c its similar

  2. Skiing is sort of lie snowboarding but with one big ski. It is harder to learn to snowboard though because in order to snowboard good you need good balance. Then one you have really good balance you can start to get fancy and learn tricks but gain some more balance first.

  3. i skied before i started snowboarding. i think it took me longer to learn snowboarding but it was worth it because i like it better now that i'm good at it.

    but when i first started snowboarding i was ready to give up and go back to skiing because i kept getting really frustrated.

    you'll be fine! it really didn't take me that long to learn it, just a little longer than it did with skiing.

    but it's SOOOOOO much fun. you'll love it :-)

  4. Snowboarding requries a different set of movements and balance than skiing.  Your skiing skills generally will not transfer to learning snowboarding, so it's possible that you will not pick it up as quickly.

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