
I'm grounded, stuck in the house. what to do?

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bored and mad.




  1. Bake some cookies.

  2. Wait til your parents are asleep and sneak out.  Download movies, clean your files in the computer, search answers and help out some people.  Study for school.  Clean your closet.  Go to sleep.

  3. Read,

    listen to music



    play on the computer.

    call your friends


    P.S.- you could get WII,Xbox-360, or playsation, and play them.

  4. Firstly why are you on the computer if you're grounded? I do however have suggestions.Read the Bible, play with you're pet(If you have one),Hang out with siblings(If you do)Draw,Do Homework,Read any other books,Clean, etc..I hope that helps.When i'm grounded i'll usually do the above(I don't have any pets..well not yet..I am however getting a dog sometime.I do have a Brother, but he doesn't live with me.)God Bless you

  5. Why are you mad? Did you do something or fail to do something that caused you to receive this grounding...which is supposed to teach you a lesson...?

    Let go of the anger and get focused on doing something positive. You can do anything you want to use the time you have...wisely.

    Reading a book, learning a new word, drawing in a new way...exorcise, play a new game with brother or sister ....

    Find a passage in the bible that suits your predicament...

    create a better way of saying I am sorry for when you have to utter those words to your parent(s)

  6. How old are you?

    When I grounded my children they did not have access to a computer, TV, games, phone, etc. because all they ever had in their room was their bed and dresser, rooms in my house were for storing clothing, sleep, a haven when seeking solitude or reading encyclopedic,  reference books, dictionaries, thesaurus, historical books, and theme books on cars, pets, airplanes, sports, etc.

    You can write an essay about what your parents deemed as inappropriate behavior and you can present your stand, stating a case on your defense.

    If you know you were wrong, write an essay explaining why you did what you did knowing it was wrong. You can even tell your parents that even though you are mad, you are really sorry you did what you did.You can even include what you think a just punishment for your infraction should be. Who knows, you may earn a reprieve!

    So that you stay away from trouble, on your free time:

    Learn how to play Scrabble in the computer, it's fun, and you can compete with the computer.

    You can also play cross-word puzzles in the computer, you are timed, so you have to pay attention.

    Do your chores on a timely manner without being asked.

    Clean-up after yourself; plate off the table and in the sink, dirty clothing in the hamper, etc.

    Do your homework.

    Love your mom, she loves you! and stop pouting, you are going to get wrinkles.

  7. Without reading past the first sentence of the first answer, I suggest you haven't been so deprived. Obviously you aren't in a dark closet.

      I really don't mean any offense to you or others who answer but as a parent of 3, I gotta tell ya,,,as is obvious,,,GROUNDING is ineffective. AT the VERY LEAST it's ineffective in its design.

      Obviously it solved nothing and created boredom and anger.

      I suppose many feel when it happens  a sense of unfair.

      I suggest, and again with no offense that you analyze the WHY, then calm down and ask within the family rules , guidelines, the peramteters of what is acceptable behavior

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