
I'm grounded and need to get out of the house. I want to sneek out and do sumthing.?

by  |  earlier

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Wat should I do? Theres really nothing near my house. Theres a stable next door, and a playground like 1 half a mile away but i think it may be closed. I don't have a car soooo....what can I do?




  1. Go next door to the stable and see if you cn help em out and ride for them.

    Or, call a cab for the end of your street, sneak out and take it to a friends house or something.

    In reality, I don't suggest sneaking out, trust me. Just get you grounding overwith. If you sneak out the punishment will be 3 times as worse and you'll regret it, trust me, I know from past experiences.

    Just suck up to your parents a little more but not too obviously. They may give into your punishment a little more.

    Good luck!

  2. DON"T SNEEK OUT!!!!!!!!!! thats just trouble

  3. sneaking out will get you into more trouble if you get caught trust me

  4. Wow.

    How old are you?


    It would help if we knew where you lived so we could know what was close to youu................

    So i dont knoww.

    Is there a friends hoouse near youu?

    You could sneak to her/his house and play barbies........



    But seriously if there is a friends house near by go there.

    i guess............

  5. Uh, no sneaking out unless you really want to be grounded forever.

  6. If you're grounded, you'll be in more trouble than it's worth. Just don't bother.

  7. read a book in your room. its good for you and will calm you down.

  8. If u sneak out you will get caught. U did the crime u do the time. U need to serve yur grounding.

  9. Look for a local volunteer opportunity that your parents wouldn't object to.  It will look great on your transcript AND get you out of the house.

    Don't sneak out unless you want to extend your grounding.

  10. p**n.

  11. you have a cumputer thats all you need

  12. DONT!!!! bad bad bad bad bad bad bad IDEA!!!!!!!!!

  13. Just be a good kid! Get a good education, or before you know it you will be able to make very few choices with your life, other than work work work and go on yahoo answers once in a while. Make sure you study and do well in school, make time work for you not you work for time>>>>

  14. how bout you stay inside and do what your told..maybe next time you wont have to be punished. Also god only knows what could happen to you when you sneak many crazy things happening in this world. so do yourself and your parents a favor...stop being a brat and listen.

  15. Why exactly would you want to sneak out if there's nothing to do anyway? Pull pranks in doors, if your serving the time you might aswell do a crime right? Salt on toothbrushes, buckets of water leant against doors, clingfilm at the bottom of doors, be creative!

    If you really wanna sneak out, take a camera and make some memories, just trek around, meet a mate, catch a bus somewhere (make sure you can get back), go get some chips and just chillax and enjoy the freedom for a bit I guess...

  16. ok, so your grounded, and you want to sneak out so you can do you get on Yahoo Questions and ask the world what you should do?  Wow, you must REALLY be bored...

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