
I'm growing a hatred towards religious people?

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My mom is very religious and she forces religion on me every morning at 6.00 am she puts on religious music out loud and i get very little sleep on the week i have off from work and school. When i tell her if she can at least delay it by a hour she stats screaming at me and telling me that i have a devil inside me! my options are limited currently to move out. however, its a work in progress. I think by she trying to force me to religion; I'm unfortunately growing a hatred that i do not want to grow inside me :/




  1. who is the greatest person in world?

    if this ? askedto me then iwill say ---_





    so that mush great full is mother she does not tell any thing wrong to son

    so u must listen her

  2. Mental illness.

    I just hope that you realize that not all religious people are as psychotic as your mother.  Only the zealots are that bad.  I'm minimally religious, but more along the lines of spiritual.  It's more real that way.

  3. well dude. . your her son. . . im betting she's been wanting to have you be a religious person since you were little. . but it's just never been the life for you.  one choice is just to bluntly tell her you dont want to do things like that. but that MIGHT cause a lil ruckus. . . moving out would be an option but that would also have some Con's. .

  4. Religion can, to some people, be dangerous.

    They loose sight of coexisting and diversity.

    Some people do find that happy medium of acception a religion and following it, while also being open-minded to those around them.

    But if they get too wrapped up in it, it sort of...."consumes" like a vius, almost. Unless others follow the path they're on, they'll be "forever damned to h**l."

    You can't really do anything about it at this point. Do what YOU feel is right for yourself; outside influences don't matter.

    You can & will be independent of your mother eventually, you don't have to fall victim to it.


    You're the one that has to choose.

    Best of luck.

  5. religion is called the collective sigh of common men by Marx. (in the same lecture where he calls it the opium of mass)

    so may be she is unhappy with her life

    but the problem is every religion have the potential to be intimidating.

    if you want to live a different life than the one prescribed by the religion of her choice, you are very much entitled to it.

    try to reason with her, and no hatred please, she is your mother.... not just any religious people.

  6. Maybe she thinks she is being pious and virtuous and demonstrating her devotion to god. It is not unreasonable of you to feel differently. We all worship our gods in different ways. Perhaps remind her that god never asked for religion to be forced on people and that she should be more humble.

    What is most important here is that by suggesting you have a devil inside you she is creating the situation she describes. Why would she want to do this? So she has more of an excuse to force this religion down your throat. Tell her what she is suggesting is ridiculous and cruel.

    Last of all, don't hate all religion just because your mum is a bit loopy.

    Good luck matey.

  7. Religion is a superior form of brain washing. The CIA look like pikers compared to the TV evangelists. They can twist their followers into believing and doing most anything. It doesn't matter what the call their religion. It all the same brain washing. Its a very slippery slope and dangerous as well. Anyone starts thumping the bible around me and I run as fast as I can......

  8. Just because your mom is a lunatic doesn't mean all religious people are too.

    Matter of fact some forms of lunacy are hereditary.

  9. If by 'religious people' you mean people who believe & have faith in God, well, you'll end up hating half the world, which sweetie, is not good for you.  Your Mum, obviously, loves you & wants whats best for you. Religion, however, is not something that one can impose on matter how close you are to that person.  Speak gently to your Mum...& tell her that you will find God within your self which is the first place to seek Him!  Let her know gently, that force feeding religion on you, will only serve to turn you off something that you could well find precious yourself.

    Most of all, as mistaken/ misguided as she may be, remember she does it out of love for try to delete that word "hate" from your vocab, ok?!

  10. I think religion itself is what causes people to force religion to someone else. I don't really know how to explain this...

    Anyway, in my country we are forced to take Religion classes, although we do nothing during them. That is, because people said that school withoud religion isn't good. (though I don't think that).

    Anyway, some people believe too much in their religion, and tend to think that there is only Good and Evil in this world, and that people who don't like their religion are posessed by devils. (this happened between me and my great-grandmother, who began praying whenever I was near her... though I haven't done anything wrong)

    Hope I helped...

  11. The problem is not religion  itself but a problem with your mom who is trying to express her inner frustration, anger, anxiety, ... with the form of religion. She needs help.

  12. God should not be forced on you,but we should plant the seed of good in everyone's minds.your mother fears for your salvation so instead of showing love with kindness and with good deeds.she feels she has to save your soul the only way she knows force.have a talk with your mother and tell her i believe in God and trust in him.but if you keep pushing him on me you a pushing me away.God will always be with you so read the bible for yourself and find out.......i did.

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