
I'm have ing dreams about me dieing ....3 times in the past 2 days..yesterday night, last night ..and the nap

by  |  earlier

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I had to day...

Usely dying as a hero ..(u know trying to be a hero like trying to stop a mugging but getting stapd)

3 causes where



and OD on drugs (I don’t do drugs)

So why am I dreaming this?




  1. Dreams always mean exactly what you think they mean.

    Summarize the dream (or just reread how you summarized it here) and pretend it's someone else telling you their dream and you have to analyze it for them. Whatever YOU think it means, is what it means.

    It's impossible for anyone else to be able to interpret what those things you dreamt about really mean to you.

    All that being said...

    Death isn't always about death...for example in Tarot decks, the Death card usually freaks people out but the actual meaning of the card really is more about transformation. The end of something and the beginning of something else.

    So death in a dream could mean any number of things, starting with an actual fear of death, fear of a loved ones death, grief over someone's death, the end of a part of your life, a break up or end of a relationship, leaving all your friends and moving away, graduating high school or college, starting something new like moving away to college or starting a new job, etc.

    Also the hero thing could mean you feel like you're trying to help people but you get hurt in the process. You feel as though you are responsible for helping or rescuing some person or people, but you are worried you are going to get hurt or hurt yourself in some way ( not literally physically hurt, perhaps your emotions or your career/schoolwork, etc)

    Again, I'd look at what you think it means, that's going to be your best bet.

  2. Theres and old wive's tale that if you have a dream about someone dieing, it means someone's getting married, and if you have a dream about someone getting married, someone will die.

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