
I'm having a bad day, what about you?

by  |  earlier

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It all started last night when my daughter got a fever, from her shots, and refused to go to sleep until 2 in the morning. This morning went pretty well, we took her swimming and she enjoyed it.

Then, when we got home I was boiling some water for my lunch. 45 minutes after I started it I realized I forgot about it! Needless to say the water got boiled all right, there was none left. After that the next 15 minutes nothing went right, at all!

Anybody else having a bad day?




  1. My day has been ok, but I'm sorry that you are having a bad day.

  2. I'm having an OK day. I couldn't sleep well last night and then my daughter woke me up early, 5:45. Then when I woke my husband up we had a small fight (stupid fight, about cutting grapes). But after that, it's pretty normal day, except for my headache.

    Hope you have a better afternoon and evening! Enjoy your weekend :)

  3. Nope...Not yet at least. I'm glad I don't have to babysit my god brother today. He's a handful. I've had a pretty bad week though. Monday I couldn't get him to get dressed or go to sleep. Luckily his mom came home earlier than we excepted and we got to go. Then on Tuesday, he was pretty good about putting his clothes on. We took him outside a few times when we went to the store for snacks(We walked seeing as we're too young to drive. Its only about a 5 minute walk though). He fell asleep on the way home the second time. It was too cute. He was on his tricycle and he was dosing off and his head kept hitting the handle bars. Luckily we were pushing him on it. He slept until his mom came home when he started waking up. Half way got him back to sleep when she walked in. He went back to sleep after we left. Wednesday I came over early to find he had pooped in his pull up. Refused to let me touch him until I told him he could leave the c**p on his butt. Ran to me touching his butt crying. Let me change his diaper. Got him dressed and went to go see some of his favorite people...Abi and Eya! Didn't want to leave their house. Wanted to play with 'Eya's Dora's talking kitchen thing. Finally got him outside. Got him to go to sleep once we took him home. We made donuts! Then on Thursday, we went swimming and then we went to his house. He was hungry, his grandma didn't want him to have any of HIS peaches gave us cash to go get him noodles. Got her ice cream(Which was expensive!), accidently got him rice instead of noodles. He ate and then went outside. Some wild dog was running around so we took him to Abi's house. Stayed for about an hour. Had to wrestle with him to leave. Took him back to his house so he could see his mom. My week was pretty rocky with him. Some days he'll want to take a nap. Others he'll fight from going to sleep and sleep all night. And it starts all over again on Monday...Hope your day gets better!

  4. Your picture of Ava is adorable!

    Today hasn't been horrible, except that Alex hasn't wanted to go down for a nap and was up for about 5 hours this morning with out a nap.

    This week my "nothing right" moment was when I sent in my payment for my loan.  I couldn't figure out which envelope was sent with which bill, so I stuck my payment slip and my check in one of the envelopes, stamped it, address labeled it, and put it in my mail box.  Two days later I went to get my mail, and there it was sitting in my mail box.  What?  I had picked the wrong envelope to send my payment in, and the "view window" for the address was on the wrong side.  Instead of having their address framed, I had my address showing.  I spent 40 some odd cents to send myself my bill!

  5. I'm having a great day, hope yours gets better...just remember it's FRIDAY! Yay!!!!!

  6. mine was horrible i went to go for registration for 10th grade and i went to this other school and now going to the other and found out that i wasnt told to sign a enrollment papers!! so that means i cant go to the same school and have to somehow get enrolled back into my old  school! im scared that i cant go back!!! REALLY CONFUSING I KNO!

    i hope the next day ur baby will be happier and u can get some well deserved sleep :)  zzzz...... hope ur day gets better

  7. im so sorry mommy! today is an ok day for me but there are other days i can totally relate to you! just try not to let it get to you. take a few mins to sit back and relax and spend some quality time with your little one, really playing and cuddling with her. that will make you both feel better. make her laugh and she'll make you smile and forget all your worries!

  8. nope great day but yahoo deleted me gosh!!

  9. Must be something in the baby was up last night after her shots too! She was grumpy all day till little girl sprinkled the garden with powder paint and sequins..."But it's for the fairies Mummy" and then she did the same to my hair!

  10. Bad day? You could say that.

    I work from home typing medical reports and this morning I had to have a new system installed on my computer but it kept going wrong. This meany it took me 2 hours to type 5 reports instead of 1 hour which sucks because I'm paid per report not by the hour.

    I then took my kids to soft play and we all had a lovely time.

    I then took my kids to Asda and we all had not such a lovely time.

    But the worst thing that happened today was when I finished shopping and decided to get the photos printed from my digital camera. Turns out my camera is knackered and thus the pictures were ruined. So now have no photos of son's 1st birthday and daughter's 3rd birthday (one week apart). Also means I have to buy a new camera which I really can't afford right now.

    Oh well, tomorrow is another day. Fingers crossed.

  11. I'm sorry you're having a lousy day.  :-(

    My day is actually going well so I'll send you some of my "good day vibes" and hope your day gets better soon!

  12. I'm having a bad life. =/

    lol, I hope you feel better though. Fridays are supposed to be good days.  

  13. Yep.  My 10-month old got up late so I only got to spend about 15 minutes with him before dropping him off at daycare.  I was late to work, thus have to work late today :(  My co-workers are crabby, which always makes work pleasant  :0

    BUT, it's Friday and as I told my son on the way to daycare today, that means it's the WEEKEND soon (yay!) and we can spend all weekend together and have a great time.  

    Hope your day gets better :)

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