
I'm having a pool party and I want some ideas, if anyone has any ideas pleade help! FUN IDEAS!?

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I'm having a pool party and I want some ideas, if anyone has any ideas pleade help! FUN IDEAS!?




  1. dive for money throw money in the pool and people have to dive for it it is pretty fun i guess

  2. Fun Things to do would be like having a pool jump,like who could jump the farthest. Or like who swims the deepest. Possibly who can do the coolest tricks in the pool like flipping or handstanding. Or stuff like that.

  3. have a night pool party...with tiki torches... in the pool...water gun, balloon fights.

  4. Have a water balloon contest on the side of the pool.  You should have water balloons on hand in a bucket.  Pair up people. You start really close together and start tossing it back and forth.  Each time you toss it to the other person you take one step back.  You keep going until the water balloon breaks on a person.  You'll finally get down to last two people and the winner gets a prize like a Nerf water gun or something water related.

    How about having people jump into a innertube in the pool.  Keep throwing the innertube out further and further into the pool until someone can't jump in it.

    We used to have a "who can hold their breath the longest" contest.  Last one under the water wins a prize.

    There's always Marco, Polo game.  

    Or you can throw a whole bunch of weighted rings at the bottom and see how many each person can get at one time.

    Have a "noodle" race with those floaty noodles.  Have each person ride the noodle like a horse and have them race from one side to the other, making sure they stay on the noodle the whole time.

    Good luck!

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