
I'm having a problem with a baby name i love.?

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My partner has a four year daughter Aimee from a previous marriage and sometimes she mucks around and says her name is Sienna, so in other words she has an alter ego named Sienna.

Well i have always loved the name Sienna and we are having a girl i really want to name her that but my partner thinks that if we use Sienna Aimee will be upset and she will resent the baby.What do you think?




  1. I think your partner may have a point

    I also think it's a easy answer

    Ask Aimee what name she would like the baby to have

    She may just say Sienna

    You can ask her if she minds if you call the baby Sienna after her special name

    Most 4 year old, will tell you what they think, if the question is said right

  2. I think you should talk with Aimee about it.  Ask her if she would like to name her little sister Sienna, in honor of Aimee.

    You should see what Aimee thinks because it COULd be something that upsets her.  But just ask her!  A lot of times, if a child is obsessed with a name, like Sienna, she will like naming a lot of her things Sienna.

    Ask her, if you have a baby sister, what do you think would be a good name?  Do you think Sienna would be a good name for your little sister?

    That way, you can tell if it will really bother Aimee or if she won't mind... she may even feel like she got to choose the name herself!


  3. if she hasnt outgrown the Sienna thing by the time the baby is born then, yeah, i think she will be very hurt, upset and feel less important than the new baby if you name her Sienna.. there are so many other pretty names out there.. you could always ask Aimee how she would feel if you named the baby Sienna.. u never know, she might take it as a compliment! good luck  

  4. Why don't you ask Aimee what she thinks? If she's for the idea and doesn't resent it go for it. Aimee may take naming your new baby Sienna  as a compliment, hopefully.

  5. Ask Aimee if you can name the new baby Sienna.  If she gets upset, pick a different name.

  6. i do not think you should ask a four year old permission to use the long loved name you have chosen for your baby. after all, her name is NOT sienna, it is aimee. for pete's sakes, she is a four year old who plays imaginary name games and she will outgrow this phase one day and move onto a new imaginary game of some sort. meanwhile, you will have many regrets of not having used your favorite name all for the reasons of trying to be courteous to your step daughter. name your baby what you want and do not seek out approval from the four year old. you are in charge of your life and the future life of your newborn to be so enjoy your pregnancy and have fun and no need to explain to anyone why you love the name and picked the name you have chosen.

  7. Sienna and Aimee are lovely names! (Amiee with the good spelling!)

    Well tell Aimee that she can name the baby! She might say Sienna.

    If she doesnt ask her how she would like it if her sister would be called Sienna!


  8. Ask Aimee what she thinks a good name for the baby would be - or - come up with a few names you really like (include Sienna on the list) & let her choose one (but be prepared to use it!)   That would make her feel included. My h/b & I were torn betwen 2 names & let his daughter choose the one she preferred.

  9. I think that is ridiculous too! Her name is Aimee, not Sienna! I think you have every right to use the name.  

  10. I think that is ridiculous! It doesnt even make sense!

  11. I can see his point. Four year olds are pretty delicate people, but they do give their honest opinions about things. Just sit her down and ask her what she thinks you should name the baby...and maybe suggest that she can name her Sienna if she wants, to have a special part in the baby's name.

  12. pick another name it will make everything much easier

  13. Why don't you ask Aimee if she would like it if you named the baby Sienna? You could tell her you wanted to name her little sister after her. She may be thrilled and happy.

  14. Personally I think that your partner should stop calling her daughter Sienna and call her by her real name! Shell give her a complex! Lol. You need to tell her you really love and plan to use that name and come up with some cute nickname for Aimee that isn't an actual name so she won't be confused and your left with more options for baby names! Good luck!

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