
I'm having a problem with my grilfriend.?

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Me and my grilfriend have ben going out for past 5 years she likes to baysit for her cusen which I have no porblem with if she dose it but I refuse to do it with her because of the fact that her cusen ows both me and her $400.00 for babysitting last year. In fact she even said in font of her intire family that she would pay both of us $100.00 each a week for babysitting and she nevaer did and she and my grilfriend want me to frogive her for it but for me it's not that easy espaecaly now that my little brother was just murdered and that $400.00'S could realy come in use for paying off the funeral and stuff like that. but I'm trying to get her to understand that I right now I need her to and she been over there babysitting for past 2 week. It was only supposed to be for one and now she say's that she's dosn't know when she she's comming home she was just recently kicked out of her mom's house by her mom and her mom's new boyfriend. Dose anyone have any sugestions about hw to her to understand that I need her too and alittle more right now than her her cusen and sister do If anyone dose I wounld sure apreate very much because rigth now it feels like our relationship is going down the tub I don't want that to happen I plan to marry her next year hopfully.




  1. I really don't know how you can get the money but as for getting her to understand that you need her....You need to sit her down and tell her, tell her that you love her and would do anything for tell her that you plan to marry her but right now you don't know what to do tell her that you need her to be there for you in this trying time and that you are happy that she has such a good relationship with her cousin and her cousins kid but right now you need her more than anything tell her that she could help you through this....

  2. wow, this is a tough one.

    the only way to solve this one is to talk to her.i cant think of any other way you really need her right now and if she cant be there than maybe the relationshop needs a break until you can get yourself back on track.

    im really sorry about the death of your brother.

    and even though i dont know you or your family you guys will def. be in my prayers and in my heart. i hope everything works out.

  3. Sorry to hear of your brother' death.. The "Proclaim it gets easier with time" but I think each day is about the same.. my mom died in OCt 7 2007 its hard.. Good luck

  4. Remind ur girl that u love her, and let her know that if there was anything more you could do you would do it. BEST OF LUCK!

  5. srry for your lose but i cant realy anwser this question well i dont know how to realy srry

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