
I'm having a problem with my laptop as this message keeps popping up all the time then opens an internet page?

by  |  earlier

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i'm running vista premium. the message says

critical error

attention, my name! some dangerous viruses detected in your system. windows vista(TM) home premium files corrupted. this may lead to the destruction of important files in c:\windows.

click OK to download the antispyware. (recommended)

when i click yes, the internet windows that appears is blocked by my internet security and if i press no another internet window pops up it says

Reported Web Forgery!

This web site at has been reported as a web forgery and has been blocked based on your security preferences.




  1. you have a highjacker or a really annoying virus/spyware

  2. Simple instructions for removal here:

  3. what you have there is a type of virus it will be called anti virus 2008 or 2009 they ask you for money to remove it that is why it is being blocked....

    they do not remove it but just take your money...

    i only know how to remove it from windows xp...

    it is turning up a lot here in the UK...

    try switching to UK questions & answers by clicking on the flag at the bottom of the page you will get more help there as many vista users have had it in the past few months...

  4. Run some of the free anti-spyware programs on this site. SuperantiSpyware is particularly thorough

    Make sure you boot into safe mode first usin f8 as those pesky spyware can be tough to root out once windows boots.

  5. This is spyware. Download and update a good anit-spyware program AVG free from is very good. Run a scan in safe mode.

    And do NOT go to the site or phone the number posted by MIKE. This site and number is a scam. They tell you what is wrong free? Considering they can't even get their own site working and want to charge for everything ($150) I think we should all reoprt any of his answers and get him off here before he does manage to defraud anyone. Conspiracy to defraud actually, 35 years prison.

  6. Wow you have some serious Spyware in your system. its gotten so bad that it nags you when you want to surf the web. The best solution is to get Ad-Aware anti-spyware so it can remove it. heres the link: hope i could help just download and install it and make a scan to your entire computer.  

  7. Yikes....that sounds exactly like Spyware. Don't download anything it tells you to. Otherwise you'll be more screwed than you are.

    Try this:

  8. Hello

    your computer may be infected with the virus and Trojan

    I suggest you use a comprehensive killing NOD

    Then clean up your registry repair documents can be resolved

    Please visit

    Can help you

    Good luck

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